Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from “The Face of Love” in First Kiss #19, 1961. (Click link to read entire story.)
SCENE: Woman in an evening gown and a man in a suit who is reaching out to her.
WOMAN: You can’t
buy my love with gifts!
MAN: So…you’d prefer cash?
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in an evening gown and a man in a suit who is reaching out to her.
WOMAN: You can’t
buy my love with gifts!
MAN: So...you’d prefer cash?
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
WOMAN: You can’t
buy my love with gifts!
MAN: So...you’d prefer cash?
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
Cash? I LOVE CASH!!!
Johnny Cash? Isn’t he….
Maybe we can combine the two: gift me some cash. Or lots of cash.
Had a friend once who maintained that a woman who was obviously ver7 high maintenance woman (VHMW) should be treated like shit on the bottom of your boots. His theory was that even if the VHMW didn’t come around there were plenty of other women who already hated the VHMW and would find you attractive for being the agent of their spite.
Kind of worked. MIght have worked better if he was able to attract VHMW’s in the first place.