Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “The Sea Green Eyes!” in First Kiss #5, Sept. 1958. Published by Charlton. The story begins on Page 28.
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↓ Transcript
MAN: I’m a genius! what could you--a mere girl--know that I don’t?
WOMAN: How to get laid!
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Merely Me: John Lustig
WOMAN: How to get laid!
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Merely Me: John Lustig
B list actor Smirky McSmirkington has a successful “Tell All” book signing event.
His wannabe “starlet in training”, “hope to be girlfriend” from the publishing house is pleased.
John’s revision:
Perhaps he trusts that his true genius is his Frank Sinatra like “endowment”.
Ha! It just struck me that John’s been “re-visioned”.
Re-vision me away, pal!
Hey, not everyone is smart about everything!!
However, if I were to lie down, would I then be laid?
To be fair, a book titled “How to Get Laid for Women” might be a slim volume:
“Say yes, and cooperate.”
When I first looked at the image above, I thought, “Huh, looks like Rory Calhoun.”
But then I went back to the First Kiss and there was some Dean Martin and a bit of Sal Mineo mixed in. Anybody else agree?
I don’t disagree. Although I’ve had many readers tell me—and it depends on the story—that he looks more like Vic Mature.