Ideally, this should be read while listening to “I Can Make You A Man” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show…
↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and a woman are smiling as they cuddle.
WOMAN: Congrats! Today you became a man!
MAN: And tomorrow I’ll be...?
WOMAN (again): Lost... without me!
WOMAN: Congrats! Today you became a man!
MAN: And tomorrow I’ll be...?
WOMAN (again): Lost... without me!
This would be my choice for my son’s 21st birthday.
Empty Space Theatre, Seattle, 1986/87 The Rocky Horror Show.
I played in the band and was the vocal director for the production.
Thanks for the lyric reminder: “In just seven days, I can make you a maaaaannnnn”.
Catherine, that’s sweet–in a deliciously twisted way. You’re son is a lucky boy!
Piano, I don’t know how I missed that. I would’ve loved to have seen the play here in Seattle. I did, however, first experience Rocky as a play when I was in London. Pure fluke. We bought tickets at half-price and walked in without knowing anything about the production. I saw the movie a year or two (?) later at a midnight showing at the Neptune Theatre.