Civilization? No Thanks!

Civilization? No Thanks!

Apparently, my inner John Wayne persona isn’t through writing Western gags. Coming this Friday, I’ll be giving you the Last Kiss version of the shootout at the OK Corral—sorta!

Listen up, ya lily-livered dude. This was originally published in Cowgirl Romances #2, 1950. Artist unknown.

Listen up, ya lily-livered dude. This was originally published in Cowgirl Romances #2, 1950. Artist unknown.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Headshot of a cowboy.

COWBOY: Civilization? No thanks! What’s next? marriage and baths?

Artist unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss inc

My Little Pony?

My Little Pony?

Art---possibly by King Ward---from Western Love Trails #7, 1949.

Art—possibly by King Ward—from Western Love Trails #7, 1949.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Sad cowgirl

COWGIRL: One a’ these days he’s gonna kiss me...instead of his @#$% horse!

Pencils: King Ward? Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc


Grim for the Groom

Grim for the Groom

Western Week continues!

Pencils possibly by King Ward from Western Love Trails #7, 1949.

Pencils possibly by King Ward from Western Love Trails #7, 1949.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman sheriff in the old west.

SHERIFF: Not marrying me? Partner, that’s a hanging offense!

Pencils: King Ward? Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc


Sunset Surprise

Sunset Surprise

Welcome to “Western Week.”

Now, you might ask, “Why am I doing Westerns instead of regular romance this week?”

And I might tell you:

—Because I was hankering fer somethin’ fun. Somethin’ different. Somethin’ in a size nine 1/2, 10-gallon hat!

—Because sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do!

—Because….none of your %$#& business, pilgrim!

My thanks to Diego Jourdan Pereira for a truly superlative job redrawing the original public domain art.

Pencils possibly by Ward King. This appeared in Western Love Trails #7.

Pencils possibly by Ward King. This appeared in Western Love Trails #7.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Cowboy and cowgirl cuddling by a campfire.

COWGIRL: See? Isn’t this better than riding off into the sunset?

Pencils: King Ward? Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc
