Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

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SCENE: A car is driving off with a "Just Married" sign on the rear. A young boy and girl are watching it leave.

BOY: So that’s a royal wedding?

GIRL: Must be! One of those guys is a queen!

(Art--I think--by Vince Colletta Studio with additional drawing by Allen Freeman.)

The Hangover, Part 3?

The Hangover, Part 3?

Weddings are all about the bride.

If you’re the bride, people will tell you it’s “your day.” (If you’re the groom–congrats. But it’s still her day.)

Of course, it’s usually good if the groom shows up too. But your duties as a groom are minimal. Show up and stay conscious long enough to mumble “I do.”

There. You’re done. Simple.

(Guys, I absolutely guarantee that this is the single easiest chore of your entire married life. Never again will you be praised so much for doing so little.)

On the other hand, if you’re the bride–you’re in charge of everything: Cake. Music. Weather. Earthquakes. Nasal hairs. Outbreaks of acne. You get the credit–or the blame.

True story: I only remember two things from my college photography class.

–#1 Never rub your eyes when you’re working with developer. (Or, in my case, never do it again!)

–#2 Shoot the bride. A lot. If the groom wanders into some of the photos–fine. But mostly…shoot the bride.

↓ Transcript
WOMAN: Sure! I remember the wedding! But remind me anyway! Who’d I marry?

Marrying for Love? You Bet!

Marrying for Love? You Bet!

I’ve spoken to your spouse and she (or was it “he?”) assures me that she/he didn’t marry you for money.

In fact, she (he or even “it”) assures me that given a chance to remarry you “there isn’t enough money in the world to make me do it again!”

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WOMAN: Of course I love you! If I was marrying you for money...I’d marry someone else!

Pencils by Charles Nicholas

Let’s Pretend…Marriage

Let’s Pretend…Marriage

Madame Colet: Marriage is a beautiful mistake which two people make together.

Madame Colet (continues): But with you, Francois–I think it would be a mistake.

From my favorite movie–Ernst Lubitch’s Trouble in Paradise. Screenplay by Samson Raphaelson.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman kisses a man on his cheek. He arches a brow and looks at her with bemusement.

WOMAN: I know! Let’s pretend we’re happily married!

MAN: To each other?

Art by Dick Giordano

Mutter of the Bride

Mutter of the Bride

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Bride and groom kissing.

BRIDE: So far so good!

Art by Vince Colleta Studio