by John | Jun 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
I only had time to dig out and post one of the two panels of original art. Here it is, Princess…

Art by Art Saaf & Mike Peppe from the story “Kiss and Run” in New Romances #14, 1952.
CAPTION: Sure, you’re a superhero! But that doesn’t mean you’re invulnerable to
super embarrassment!
How many times have you defeated a crazed villain and then–just moments before plunging to his death–the creep ridicules you because you don’t have a college degree?
MAN: I know it hurts…worse than an atomic wedgie! But now you can earn the respect of the scumbags you battle…with a real degree from the greatest diploma mill in the universe! Comicstown University!
SCENE: Young woman in a commencement graduation cap & gown is embraced by her father (the man from the first panel.) In the background, two older women are talking.
YOUNG WOMAN: With a degree in psychology, I can bash bad guys…and psychoanalyze them!
OLDER WOMAN #1: Wow! Fists of Fury and flaming Freudian philosophy!
OLDER WOMAN #2: That’s a super-powered combo that’ll make any villain cringe!
CAPTION: Comicstown University: We guarantee you’ll get a super education–even if you’re super dumb!
1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe
Color–Left Panel: Diego Jourdan Perira Right Panel Color: Allen Freeman
DJP.lk298 & KissAndRun3.1
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: Sure, you’re a superhero! But that doesn’t mean you’re invulnerable to
super embarrassment!
How many times have you defeated a crazed villain and then--just moments before plunging to his death--the creep ridicules you because you don’t have a college degree?
MAN: I know it hurts...worse than an atomic wedgie! But now you can earn the respect of the scumbags you battle...with a real degree from the greatest diploma mill in the universe! Comicstown University!
SCENE: Young woman in a commencement graduation cap & gown is embraced by her father (the man from the first panel.) In the background, two older women are talking.
YOUNG WOMAN: With a degree in psychology, I can bash bad guys…and psychoanalyze them!
OLDER WOMAN #1: Wow! Fists of Fury and flaming Freudian philosophy!
OLDER WOMAN #2: That’s a super-powered combo that’ll make any villain cringe!
CAPTION: Comicstown University: We guarantee you’ll get a super education--even if you’re super dumb!
1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe
Color--Left Panel: Diego Jourdan Perira Right Panel Color: Allen Freeman
DJP.lk298 & KissAndRun3.1
by John | May 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
June is Gay Pride Month. So this seemed like a good way to start off the month. I’ll be running other LGBTQ-themed gags about once a week during June.
By the way, this is the first time I’ve posted this comic on the web. But I actually created it last year and turned it into a fridge magnet for the San Diego Comic-Con. Sales at the Prism Comics booth were…well, super!

Art by Gill Fox from the cover of Crack Comics #26, Nov. 1942.
SCENE: Superhero in short pants, cape and boots is holding an American flag in front of a rainbow-colored background.
CAPTION: Truth, Justice & Fabulous!
1942 Art: Gill Fox Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Superhero in short pants, cape and boots is holding an American flag in front of a rainbow-colored background.
CAPTION: Truth, Justice & Fabulous!
1942 Art: Gill Fox Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
by John | Feb 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
More whimsy from Black Lightning creator Tony Isabella—who is confronting “ghostly evil” in real life by running for office!

Art by John Prentice from the story “Bedeviled” in First Love Illustrated #69, Oct. 1956.
SCENE: Woman in a costume (trapeze artist or superhero, take your pick!) is on a stage. She appears to be doing a shimmy with a bunch of cloth behind her posterior. An appreciative audience looks on.
CAPTION: By day, Marissa’s the host of HGTV’s hit series Haunted House Renovation.
CAPTION: By night, she dons her mystic drapery to confront ghostly evil as…
CAPTION: Drapery Doll, the Material Girl Who Closes the Curtains on Evil!*
CAPTION: *Okay, well, she’s still working on her hero name. All the good ones have been taken.
1956 Art: John Prentice Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
Art by John Prentice from the story “Bedeviled” in First Love Illustrated #69, Oct. 1956.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman in a costume (trapeze artist or superhero, take your pick!) is on a stage. She appears to be doing a shimmy with a bunch of cloth behind her posterior. An appreciative audience looks on.
CAPTION: By day, Marissa’s the host of HGTV’s hit series Haunted House Renovation.
CAPTION: By night, she dons her mystic drapery to confront ghostly evil as…
CAPTION: Drapery Doll, the Material Girl Who Closes the Curtains on Evil!*
CAPTION: *Okay, well, she’s still working on her hero name. All the good ones have been taken.
1956 Art: John Prentice Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
Art by John Prentice from the story "Bedeviled" in First Love Illustrated #69, Oct. 1956.
by John | Nov 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Veterans Day!

Art by Mac Raboy from Master Comics #30, 1942.
SCENE: A superhero (Captain Marvel Jr.) holds a large American flag as he leads American soldiers into battle.
CAPTION/TITLE: Not All Heroes Wear Capes!
Happy Veterans Day
1942 Art: Mac Raboy Captain Marvel Jr. © & ™ DC Comics
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A superhero (Captain Marvel Jr.) holds a large American flag as he leads American soldiers into battle.
CAPTION/TITLE: Not All Heroes Wear Capes!
Happy Veterans Day
1942 Art: Mac Raboy Captain Marvel Jr. © & ™ DC Comics
by John | Oct 17, 2019 | Uncategorized

Art by Art Saaf & Mike Peppe from the story “Kiss and Run” in NEW ROMANCES #14, 1952.
CAPTION: Death be not proud…or forever when you’re a superhero. But it sure sells comics! And here at Last Kiss, we’re anxious to give you readers what you so obviously desire: gratuitous death on an epic scale! Having a limited budget, though, we’ll have to use an old radio show trick and depend on you to supply the multi-million special effects…and most of the all-star, over-paid cast as well! Ready? Here goes!
PANEL #1: Lightning
SOUND: Look out! It’s…
SOUND: Arrrggh!
SOUND: Yikes!
SOUND: Nooooo!
SOUND: Iiieeee!
PANEL 2: In a graveyard, a crying woman is comforted by a man. In the background, two men work with shovels to fill in a grave.
WOMAN: The entire Legion of Superfluous Heroes wiped out…in a bloody, depraved battle! Who’ll protect us from mindless carnage now?
MAN: Not the Comics Code! That’s for sure!!
CAPTION: Next: The Society of Stupid Pet Tricks gets neutered!
1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe Right Panel Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: Death be not proud…or forever when you’re a superhero. But it sure sells comics! And here at Last Kiss, we’re anxious to give you readers what you so obviously desire: gratuitous death on an epic scale! Having a limited budget, though, we’ll have to use an old radio show trick and depend on you to supply the multi-million special effects…and most of the all-star, over-paid cast as well! Ready? Here goes!
PANEL #1: Lightning
SOUND: Look out! It's...
SOUND: Arrrggh!
SOUND: Yikes!
SOUND: Nooooo!
SOUND: Iiieeee!
PANEL 2: In a graveyard, a crying woman is comforted by a man. In the background, two men work with shovels to fill in a grave.
WOMAN: The entire Legion of Superfluous Heroes wiped a bloody, depraved battle! Who’ll protect us from mindless carnage now?
MAN: Not the Comics Code! That’s for sure!!
CAPTION: Next: The Society of Stupid Pet Tricks gets neutered!
1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe Right Panel Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira