Sex Olympics

Sex Olympics

Below is the original romance art…

↓ Transcript
WOMAN (crying): All those
years of training wasted! sex
isn’t an Olympic event!
Inked by Dick Giordano
Color by Allen Freeman

Honey, You’re Already in My End Zone

Honey, You’re Already in My End Zone

In high school, I was small for a defensive lineman–even in those pre-steroid times.

To compensate, I tried to explode across the line of scrimmage and stay really low. So low that the opposing offensive lineman couldn’t block me.

(The amazing thing about this is not that it worked so often. It’s that I did anything quickly. I’ve spent my life recovering—in slow motion—from those bursts of speed.)

Eventually, my teammates started calling me “The Mole.”

Now, as high school nicknames go–that’s not bad. I could’ve been The Leach. Or The Slug. Or even The Festering Boil.

But probably not The Stud.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Male football player is talking to a woman.

FOOTBALL PLAYER: Really? There’s a way to score…without a football?

Incredible Hulk At Bat

Incredible Hulk At Bat

Don’t throw curve ball, puny pitcher! Or Hulk smash!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Three men talking in an office.

MAN: Sure, he’d make a great pinch hitter! But can the Incredible Hulk pass a steroids test?

Art: Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia

Playing Ball with the Stars

Playing Ball with the Stars

This one’s for my wife Shelagh whose two favorite things (besides me) are baseball and Dancing with the Stars.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A baseball game. The pitcher is talking to the batter.

CAPTION: Welcome to the hit, new TV show: Playing Baseball with the Stars!

CATCHER: Seriously, Dude! Strike three! You’re out!

BATTER: Maybe! But...let’s see
how the fans vote!

CAPTION: Vote now! Umpires standing by to take your call!

Art by Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia

Grand Slam

Grand Slam

When you get down to it, isn’t baseball a metaphor for darn near everything?

(Now funny in German too.)

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman embracing outside--possibly in the woods or in a park.

MAN (thinking): I wonder if I can get to first base?

WOMAN (thinking): C'mon! Slide into home!