I’m Real! How about You?

I’m Real! How about You?

Unlike the lady above, I’m pretty sure I’m a cartoon character. (Or at least a character of some sort.)

And you’re welcome to stare at me–especially this week while I’m at Comic-Con International (July 21-25) in San Diego.

I’ll be spending most of my time at the Last Kiss Entertainment table #E08, but I’ll also be doing signings at the other end of the hall at the World Famous Comics booth #5560.

Love and Last Kisses,

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Distraught woman crying hysterically!

WOMAN: Stop staring! What do you think I am...a cartoon character?

Queen of the Worrywarts!

Queen of the Worrywarts!

Her motto: Things are never so good that they can’t get worse.

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WOMAN (crying): I just won $10 million in the lottery...again! And today’s
a national holiday in my honor! But I just know something will go wrong... someday!

Healthy Comics?

Healthy Comics?

Are you happy with your health insurance? Great. I’m happy for you. Really.

But if you’re a freelancer–like most comic pros are–you probably aren’t so happy. (Unless you have a spouse with great health insurance.) Because you’re on your own, baby.

You can end up paying $1,100 a month for a basic, no-frills plan. I know because I’ve paid it. (And then paid thousands of dollars more when I found that our plan didn’t cover some basic tests and treatment.)

This isn’t a liberal vs. conservative issue. This is a comics issue. Affordable health care would be a huge boost for struggling comic pros. Instead of working three jobs to support themselves, some comic creators might only have to work two and a half. Oh, sure, affordable health care would also benefit millions of other folks. But let’s get our priorities straight, people. It’s all about me.

↓ Transcript
CRYING WOMAN: I’ll never qualify for insurance! Being a comic character is...a pre-existing health condition!