Do Women Enjoy Sex?

Do Women Enjoy Sex?

Today is International Kissing Day. So I hope you enjoy a French kiss today.

(Or an Italian kiss. Or an Ethiopian kiss. Or…whatever!)

Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “The Queen of the Killers” in Crimes by Women #14, Aug. 1950. Published by Fox Feature Syndicate. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.



SCENE: Two men talking. One appears to be a police officer. The other is smoking a pipe.

COP: But…surely some women must enjoy sex!

OTHER MAN: Not the ones I date!

1950 Art: Artist Unknown
Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Two men talking. One appears to be a police officer. The other is smoking a pipe.

COP: But…surely some women must enjoy sex!

OTHER MAN: Not the ones I date!

1950 Art: Artist Unknown
Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
©2015 Last Kiss Inc.

Sex Expert

Sex Expert

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “Elopement” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.


SCENE: A mother and her adult daughter are talking.

DAUGHTER: Thanks, Mom! But you can’t help! I need advice from someone who knows about sex!

MOM: Honey, you know all those notches on my bed? Well guess what…?

1958 Art: John Tartaglione Art Cleanup: Heather Chestnut
Character Color: Dan McConnell Notches #6-79: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A mother and her adult daughter are talking.

DAUGHTER: Thanks, Mom! But you can’t help! I need advice from someone who knows about sex!

MOM: Honey, you know all those notches on my bed? Well guess what...?

1958 Art: John Tartaglione Art Cleanup: Heather Chestnut
Character Color: Dan McConnell Notches #6-79: John Lustig

Sexy Sandwich

Sexy Sandwich

Hold the lettuce and tomato. Extra pickles.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “That Lonely Sound” in FIRST KISS #36, Feb. 1964. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.




SCENE: A woman is talking with a man. A second man is standing nearby looking on.

WOMAN: You’re between lovers? How come?

MAN: ‘Cause I called dibs on being in the middle!

1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Charater Color: Allen Freeman
Matchmaker: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman is talking with a man. A second man is standing nearby looking on.

WOMAN: You’re between lovers? How come?

MAN: ‘Cause I called dibs on being in the middle!

1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Charater Color: Allen Freeman
Matchmaker: John Lustig

Those Naughty Last Kiss Readers!

Those Naughty Last Kiss Readers!

For those not familiar with it, 9 Chickweed Lane is a syndicated comic strip by Brooke McEldowney that features lots of wonderful, steamy art and scenes. (No actual nudity, though.)

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Art Cappello from the story “My Diary Exposed My Secret” in True Life Secrets #11, Jan. 1953. Charlton. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.




SCENE: Woman with her back to us. She’s naked except for a bath towel.

SOUND: Ding Dong

WOMAN (thinking): Those %$#@ Last Kiss readers! They’re always trying to catch me naked! Why don’t
they stay at 9 Chickweed Lane where they belong?

1953 Art: Art Cappello Comic Stripper: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman with her back to us. She's naked except for a bath towel.

SOUND: Ding Dong

WOMAN (thinking): Those %$#@ Last Kiss readers! They’re always trying to catch me naked! Why don’t
they stay at 9 Chickweed Lane where they belong?

1953 Art: Art Cappello Comic Stripper: John Lustig


A Party of…Four?

A Party of…Four?

A new Last Kiss by Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!

“Where’s Waldo?” 

Ha! I’ve got a more interesting challenge. 

Where’s the missing woman in this gag? Find her and prove you’re as deliciously devious as my pal Tony!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art possibly by Lee Elias (although it’s also been attributed to Milton Caniff.) From the cover of Terry and the Pirates #15, 1949. Harvey Comics. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.




SCENE: A man is being kissed by two beautiful women. The image is framed so we can see all three from the chest upwards.

RED (thought): This is the best dream ever!

RED (thought): It’s just yours truly and…

RED (thought): …three gorgeous women!

1949 Art: Lee Elias? Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man is being kissed by two beautiful women. The image is framed so we can see all three from the chest upwards.

RED (thought): This is the best dream ever!

RED (thought): It’s just yours truly and...

RED (thought): ...three gorgeous women!

1949 Art: Lee Elias? Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
