by John | Jan 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Bee all that you can bee!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. Art from the story “Censored” in ALL-TRUE ROMANCE #2, 1951. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: Man behind a couch looks as if he’s about to chase a woman in front of the couch.
MAN: Bzzz! I am a bee and you are my tulip! Prepare for pollination!
WOMAN: I’ll get the flyswatter!
Artist Unknown
Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
©2014 Last Kiss Inc
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man behind a couch looks as if he's about to chase a woman in front of the couch.
MAN: Bzzz! I am a bee and you are my tulip! Prepare for pollination!
WOMAN: I’ll get the flyswatter!
Artist Unknown
Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
©2014 Last Kiss Inc
by John | Dec 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
I literally laughed out loud when I read Tony Isabella‘s gag for this art. For those of us who know romance comics, it’s outright hilarious!
Sobbing, broken-hearted females graced the covers of a staggering number of romance comics. Love didn’t make these women happy. It made them miserable—before their inevitable happy endings, of course.
Crying damsels in obvious distress didn’t appear on the covers of every romance comic. But they showed up so frequently that it must’ve been a challenge for the artists. How could they top the misery level of previous covers? How many tears were enough? Or too much?
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “To Stella with Love” in FIRST KISS #3, 1958. Click link to read the vintage comic book where this art first appeared.
by John | Dec 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
A new tale of torrid lust from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “One Stolen Kiss” from FIRST KISS #1, 1957. Curious about the original vintage comic book? Click the link to read the entire issue for free.
SCENE: A man and woman in a pasture. The man is standing behind the woman with his hands on her shoulders. There are cattle in the background.
MAN: My dear, I’d never leave you for a younger woman…at least not for more than a day or two. Three, tops.
WOMAN: You can have the blondes and brunettes…but the redheads are mine!
1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Foreground Color: Dan McConnell
Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A man and woman in a pasture. The man is standing behind the woman with his hands on her shoulders. There are cattle in the background.
MAN: My dear, I’d never leave you for a younger least not for more than a day or two. Three, tops.
WOMAN: You can have the blondes and brunettes...but the redheads are mine!
1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Foreground Color: Dan McConnell
Writer: Tony Isabella
by John | Nov 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown, but might be King Ward. From WESTERN LOVE TRAILS #7, 1949. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.
SCENE: Cowboy with a cowgirl with her head in his lap. Their keeping warm next to a campfire.
COWGIRL: See? Isn’t this better than riding off into the sunset?
Pencils: King Ward? Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Dialogue: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Cowboy with a cowgirl with her head in his lap. Their keeping warm next to a campfire.
COWGIRL: See? Isn’t this better than riding off into the sunset?
Pencils: King Ward? Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Dialogue: John Lustig
by John | Sep 21, 2021 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Oscare Novelle from the story “Love Letter from Saigon” in Just Married #56, Nov. 1968. Published by Charlton. (Sorry. No scan of the entire issue or story is available.)
SCENE: Man and woman kissing and embracing with a background of bright light.
MAN: I had no idea I could be this happy!
WOMAN: More ideas on the way!
Art: Oscar Novelle Restoration & color: Diego Pereira
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman kissing and embracing with a background of bright light.
MAN: I had no idea I could be this happy!
WOMAN: More ideas on the way!
Art: Oscar Novelle Restoration & color: Diego Pereira