Sometimes I Think

Sometimes I Think

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Surprise Party” in FIRST KISS #40, 1965.


SCENE: Man and blonde woman smiling with eyes closed cheek-to-cheek.

MAN: Sometimes I think I don’t deserve you!

WOMAN: Sometimes you’re right!

Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and blonde woman smiling with eyes closed cheek-to-cheek.

MAN: Sometimes I think I don't deserve you!

WOMAN: Sometimes you're right!

Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

First Class Lovin’

First Class Lovin’

Artist unknown. (But possibly Vince Colletta had a hand in the art.) From the story "The Time of Decision" from BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958.

Artist unknown. (But possibly Vince Colletta had a hand in the art.) From the story “The Time of Decision” from BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958.


SCENE: Pilot embracing a woman.

PILOT: Welcome to First Class!

WOMAN: I’ll never fly coach again!

1958 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Pilot embracing a woman.

PILOT: Welcome to First Class!

WOMAN: I'll never fly coach again!

1958 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


I Like You…a Little

I Like You…a Little

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "Made for Romance" in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Made for Romance” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958.


SCENE: Man and woman kissing while surrounded by hearts.

MAN: Why, uh…yes! I do like you…a little!

WOMAN: Me too…a little!

1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman kissing while surrounded by hearts.

MAN: Why, uh...yes! I do like you…a little!

WOMAN: Me too...a little!

1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

RT Booklovers 2016: A Week of Romance, Lust & Erotica

A few of the 2,000 or so women seeking romance (novels) at the RT Booklovers convention in Las Vegas.

A few of the 2,000-plus women seeking romance (novels) at the RT Booklovers convention in Las Vegas.

So, you think comic cons are wild? Try attending a romance novel convention—in Sin City!

The RT Booklovers 2016 convention in Las Vegas (April 12-17) was (surprise!) mostly attended by women—authors, booksellers and romance readers. Unlike comic cons, there were very few men.


NY Times Best-Selling Author Joanne Fluke shows off her Last Kiss tote bag at the RT Booklovers 2016 convention in Las Vegas.

And many of those men, but obviously not all—after all I was there—were there as eye candy: male models for the women to drool over.

Researching “Romance”

Researching “Romance”

Chasal  (Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani) from the story "My Silent Love" in FIRST KISS #21, 1961.

Art by Chasal (Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani) from the story “My Silent Love” in FIRST KISS #21, 1961. Click image to enlarge.


WOMAN AUTHOR: I’m researching some sex scenes!

MAN: Romance writers…gotta love ‘em!

SIGN (in store window): Embrace your passion! Read in bed!

Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
WOMAN AUTHOR: I’m researching some sex scenes!

MAN: Romance writers…gotta love ‘em!

SIGN (in store window): Embrace your passion! Read in bed!

Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman