And Here’s the Pitch…
A diaper or two? Add a few thousand and you might have it right…
MAN: if we have kids, I’ll pitch in..maybe even change a diaper...someday!
WOMAN: And maybe we’ll even have sex again...someday!
A diaper or two? Add a few thousand and you might have it right…
Play it safe and have a Happy Father’s Day!
Last Kiss Character Bio — Anna Rexia was born in Last Kiss, USA on April 1, 1990 and she officially weighed 6 lbs 9 ounces. However…
“It’s not true!” sniffed Ms. Rexia. “If only I could go back in time. I could prove that I only weighed 6 lbs 2 ounces!
“The nurse who weighed me was obviously jealous because I was so much cuter and slimmer than her. She had fat, horrible 7-ounce thumbs and I’m sure she snuck one of them onto the scale.
“I’ve always been careful about my weight. At one point, I actually weighed less than nothing. Of course, my parents worried. A strong gust of wind–or rampaging squirrels–could easily carry me off.
“So, every weekend when we went camping, they’d tie me to a big boulder to keep me safe. Sometimes I’d be safe for days. But then I’d get loose and find my way back home.”
Hmm. I think I know what this guy should get for Father’s Day. Maybe if everyone in the family chips in then they can buy him a clue!
While goofing off…er, doing research for today’s comic, I was reading up about about April Fool’s Day and I came across this video which apparently ran on the BBC on April 1, 2008. It’s all absolutely real. Trust me. Would I (and the BBC) kid you?