Booties Call

Booties Call

The original First Kiss art and dialogue (right) were published back in the good ol’ days—1961!

Back then, real men went to college. And less desirable creatures drove trucks for a living.


Hey, given a choice between a college guy (Your student loan is how much?) and a truck driver (OMG! You make how much?), it might not seem so bad to keep on trucking.

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An older woman is holding a knitting needle and smiling at a younger woman who is her daughter.

MOM: I know you’re a virgin! But I’m knitting booties...just in case!

The it’s Too-Late, Birth Control Plan

The it’s Too-Late, Birth Control Plan

And here’s the original romance art—before it got the Last Kiss update:

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SCENE: A woman looks sad.

WOMAN (thinking): I’ll say it’s a miracle! Another virgin birth!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

Foolproof Fooling Around

Foolproof Fooling Around

Birth control? Sex education? Pregnancy? I have no idea why these themes have begun appearing in my recent comics. Sometimes my subconscious just gets on a roll. I’m sure it has nothing to do with my upcoming high school reunion. Nope. Not at all.

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WOMAN: My favorite method of birth control? Sleeping with women!

MAN: Golly! Why didn’t I think of that?

Art by Vince Colletta Studio



I love the word “sorta.” Well, okay–I sorta like it.

It’s an all-purpose word.

I sorta love you. I sorta slept with your sister. I sorta smashed your cell phone with a hammer 17 times because I sorta hate you.

I sorta don’t care because I sorta ran over your car with a steamroller. Oops! I sorta forgot to check first and see if you were in the car. Are you okay?


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MAN: You're pregnant?
WOMAN: Well, uh...sorta!

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani

Sex Education Dropout

Sex Education Dropout

Apply today for the Last Kiss Sex Education-Home Learning Course and get a free lecture from my mom. Extra guilt now available!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman on leaning back on couch/sofa--looking apprehensively at a man who has his back to us.

WOMAN: No sex ‘til we’re married…
or at least pregnant!

MAN (thinking): ?!!