by John | Jun 4, 2024 | Blog
Another gag courtesy of my brother-in-law Rich Hernandez. Thanks, Rich!
Original Vintage Art & Text

One comic authority guessed that Matt Baker was the penciler of this art. Anther guessed that Vince Colletta penciled it. Both agreed that Colletta inked it. So I’m just crediting it to the Vince Colletta studio to cover my bases. (Colletta had a lot of different artists assisting him in his studio.) The art is from “His Face Before Me” in Romance Stories of True Love #51, Sept. 1958. Harvey Comics.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman very close as they stare at each other. The woman seems alarmed. The man has one hand on the side of her face.
MAN: C’mon!
Just one more smooch!
WOMAN: A last kiss? B-but...That’s how I got pregnant last time!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Rich Hernandez
djp_LK752_Colletta_hires_Revised Thumb_shorter
by John | Feb 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
So, apparently there’s no sex education in his school…
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Lou Fine from SMASH Comics #26, 1941.
Art by Lou Fine. From The Ray story in Smash Comics #26, 1941. Published by Quality Comics.
Curious to see more? Click this link to read the entire vintage comic book for free. This panel is from Page 4 of’s presentation of the comic. The story begins on Page 3.
↓ TranscriptScene: A headshot of Bucky--a redheaded boy.
BUCKY: I don’t mind if mom doesn’t have a boy! But, geez...does it have to be a girl? Couldn’t she have a frog or raccoon instead?
1941 Art: Lou Fine Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Bucky created by Jack Enyart & John Lustig
Boyish Charm: Lustig
by John | Jan 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Heartless” in NEW ROMANCES #9, 1952. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
↓ TranscriptWOMAN TALKING ON A PHONE: But, Mom, we did wait! We didn’t get engaged…til after I got pregnant!
1952 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Elite Avni-Sharon
Engaging Writer: John Lustig
by John | May 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Happy Mother’s Day!

Art possibly by Dick Giordano & Jon D’Agostino. From Secrets of Young Brides #8, April 1958.
SCENE: Man dropping his newspaper and briefcase in surprise as he sees a young woman—presumably his wife—knitting a baby’s bootie. Nearby on a table is a book: Baby Care.
MAN: D-D-Does this mean…?
WOMAN: Yes! We’re having a baby! It might even be yours!
1958 Art: Possibly by Dick Giordano & Jon D’Agostino
Happy Mother’s Day!
Secrets of Young Brides #8
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man dropping his newspaper and briefcase in surprise as he sees a young woman---presumably his wife---knitting a baby's bootie. Nearby on a table is a book: Baby Care.
MAN: D-D-Does this mean...?
WOMAN: Yes! We're having a baby! It might even be yours!
1958 Art: Possibly by Dick Giordano & Jon D'Agostino
Happy Mother’s Day!
Secrets of Young Brides #8
by John | Nov 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
I suspect this guy has totally killed the moment—and possibly the relationship.
By the way, I absolutely love this art by Dick Giordano. But then I could say that about virtually any art by Giordano. I’ll admit that I’m particularly fond of Dick’s romance art.
Years ago, I interviewed Dick about his romance work. To illustrate the interview, Dick kindly loaned me a huge pile of black and white photostats of his Charlton romance covers. This image is from one of the scans of that art

Art by Dick Giordano from Teen-Age Love #37, May 1964.
SCENE: Woman and man embracing—probably about to kiss.
WOMAN: Will it scare you if I say…I love you?
MAN: Not as much as if you say you’re pregnant!
1964 Art: Dick Giordano Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Art by Dick Giordano from Teen-Age Love #37, May 1964.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman and man embracing---probably about to kiss.
WOMAN: Will it scare you if I say...I love you?
MAN: Not as much as if you say you’re pregnant!
1964 Art: Dick Giordano Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Art by Dick Giordano from Teen-Age Love #37, May 1964.