Lousy Sex—A Crime?

Lousy Sex—A Crime?

Art by Ruben Moreira from the story "Clash by Night!" in THE BLACK TERROR #27.

Art by Ruben Moreira from the story “Clash by Night!” in THE BLACK TERROR #27.


MALE POLICE OFFICER: Lady, being a “lousy lover” isn’t against the law! if it was…
I’d have to arrest myself!

1949 Art: Ruben Moreira Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


↓ Transcript
MALE POLICE OFFICER: Lady, being a “lousy lover” isn’t against the law! if it was…
I’d have to arrest myself!

1949 Art: Ruben Moreira Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


Arresting Humor

Arresting Humor

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "Condemned" in FIRST KISS #40, 1965.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Condemned” in FIRST KISS #40, 1965.


POLICE OFFICER: I’m sorry! But I can’t arrest everyone…who says you can’t take a joke!

1965 Art: Vince Colletta Studios Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira


↓ Transcript
POLICE OFFICER: I'm sorry! But I can't arrest everyone...who says you can’t take a joke!

1965 Art: Vince Colletta Studios Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


High-Octane Sex

High-Octane Sex

Meanwhile, back in 1961…
See the original 1961 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript

VOICE FROM CAR: Wow! You’re right! Sex is more exciting at this speed!

Art: Vince Colletta Studio Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2014 Last Kiss Inc


I Need A Man

I Need A Man

↓ Transcript
YOUNG WOMAN (crying): I need a man!

YOUNG WOMAN'S MOTHER: Have you tried police line-ups? That’s how I met your dad!

Lush-Lipped Woman

Lush-Lipped Woman

↓ Transcript
POLICEMAN (to nurse): I’m looking for A beautiful woman...with lush lips and a tattoo on her tush that says, “Kiss me, you fool!”

NURSE: Gosh! Who isn’t?