You’re Mom’s Best Gift

You’re Mom’s Best Gift

Thanks, Mom. I think you’re pretty swell too! Happy Mother’s Day!

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SCENE: A smiling woman holds up a happy baby.

MOM: You're perfect!

BABY (thinks): I know!

Good News! I Like Your Mom!

Good News! I Like Your Mom!

The Last Kiss Guide to Etiquette: Don’t French kiss your sweetie’s mom on the first date. Exchanging saliva is never okay…until at least the second date.

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SCENE: A man and woman are dancing. The woman has a sloppy smile and appears to have had quite a bit to drink.

WOMAN: I’m not much of a drinker! But you probably figured that out...when I French kissed your mom!

Family (Sorta) Planning!

Family (Sorta) Planning!

It’s not like it’s a big commitment or anything…

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WOMAN: I misplaced my dog! And my guppies flushed themselves down the drain!

WOMAN: But…sure! Let's have kids!

Momma’s Delicate Condition

Momma’s Delicate Condition


I don’t always know who my characters are. But this fearsome mom is different. Many thanks to fan Torsten Adair who came up with the following name and bio:

Gertrude P. Thornsucker. (The P stands for Patricia.) Thornsucker is her maiden name.

She was once the CEO of Amalgamated Feminine Industries. The company was merged with Sweet & Pink, Inc, at which time she retired as CEO and took a seat on the Board of Directors.

In her spare time, she does needlepoint of stock certificates (highly sought after on Wall Street) while listening to Bloomberg Radio.  She is a championship Bridge player, once beating the pair of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.  (Warren mowed her lawn, Bill designed her MySpace page.)

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SCENE: A young woman is holding a phone to her ear. Her mother is next to her and is lecturing her.

MOTHER: …and tell your father to hurry! I’ve either got gas…or I’m horny!

DAUGHTER: Either way, as soon as I hang up--I’m outta here!

Can’t Wait

Can’t Wait

Patience is a virtue…if you can afford to wait for it.

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Read this comic in German.

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MOM (to grown daughter): In my day, good girls waited to have sex!

DAUGHTER: I waited...10 minutes once! Worst date I ever had!