by John | Aug 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
The original First Kiss art and dialogue (right) were published back in the good ol’ days—1961!
Back then, real men went to college. And less desirable creatures drove trucks for a living.
Hey, given a choice between a college guy (Your student loan is how much?) and a truck driver (OMG! You make how much?), it might not seem so bad to keep on trucking.
↓ TranscriptAn older woman is holding a knitting needle and smiling at a younger woman who is her daughter.
MOM: I know you’re a virgin! But I’m knitting booties...just in case!
by John | Aug 5, 2012 | Uncategorized
There are actually two versions of the original art. Here’s the art is as it appeared on the splash page of “The End of Summer” in First Kiss #34 (drawn by the Vince Colletta Studio):

Click image to enlarge.
And here it is—slightly repositioned and reworked by Dick Giordano—for use on the issue’s cover:

Click image to enlarge.
To save time—and especially money—Charlton Comics often used elements of the interior art for its covers.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman tearfully watches as her husband and her mom walk on the back with their arms around each other.
WOMAN (thinking): Maybe taking mom on our honeymoon was a mistake!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio & Dick Giordano
Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Mar 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
Below is the original art and text from First Kiss in the 1960s.
Jill is a tease. She loves to lead men…to the edge. Then dump them. Think this story has a happy ending? Oh, sure. Absolutely!
(Just teasing.)

↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman talking in a car.
MAN: Sure! I like women! There’s, uh…well, I’m very fond of Mom!
Inks by Dick Giordano
by John | Jan 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
From now on—when possible—I’ll be including a bonus with each Last Kiss comic: A look at the original romance art that I use as source material. This one is a panel from the 12th issue of First Kiss.

↓ TranscriptYOUNG WOMAN: Oh, Mom! I'm so miserable! It must be true love!
MOTHER: Let's not give up hope, Dear! Maybe it's just the flu!
Art by Vince Colletta
by John | Nov 10, 2011 | Uncategorized
Cheap sex is wasted on the young. They should pay for it like the rest of us.
↓ TranscriptMOM (to daughter): All I ask don’t
have cheap sex...‘til you’re old and desperate like me!
Art by John Tartaglione