Vie for Victory
Happy Veterans day from me, Allen Freeman and Felina Vie!
FELINA: Thank you for your service:
CAPTION: Happy Veterans Day!
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman Drooling: John Lustig
Happy Veterans day from me, Allen Freeman and Felina Vie!
While I’m getting over Covid I didn’t have enough oomph to do a new comic for Memorial Day. (Coming up with a meaningful image and text for the holiday is by far my toughest assignment every year. Frankly, I’m not up to it at the moment)
The best I could do is run this reprint gag which has a military theme–sort of.
Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Girl Meets Boy!” in First Kiss # 11, Nov. 1959. Published by Charlton.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.
In case it isn’t clear, I didn’t write the dialogue for this one.
Why? Well, occasionally I’ll come across an old comic book panel or cover and go-–wow! I’m not going to top that dialogue. This is one of those times.
I don’t know who wrote the dialogue, but the art is by Matt Baker–widely considered the greatest romance comic artist of his time. (And some think the best of all time.)
Below is the original cover before I restored it and souped up the colors a bit.
Art by Matt Baker from Pictorial Romances #6, May 1951. St. John Comics.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.
Why—you might ask–am I running this comic today instead of on Veterans Day?
Great question. Thank you, dear fictional reader, s-o-o-o much for asking! You are the best!
My answer: You silly ninny! Everyone knows Friday’s the day I post a new episode of The Loves of Abby Amour. Sure, it’s a military comic. But it doesn’t have a a Veterans Day theme.
Thus I’m posting my actual VD tribute today to celebrate tomorrow. So be sure to come back tomorrow and read it again!
Pencils (& possibly inks) by Matt Baker from the Canteen Kate story “Candid Cutie” in Fightin’ Marines #5, April 1952. Published by St. John.Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: Several U.S. soldier in uniform are huddled talking as Kate (also in uniform) looks on.
SOLDIER #1: Friday is Veterans Day! And Kate is very patriotic!
SOLDIER #2: So she’s bound to go out with one of us!
KATE: Really? Just one? I’m much more patriotic than that!!!
1952 Art: Matt Baker Creative Lust: John Lustig
Happy Veterans Day!
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Today’s art comes from Pin-Up Pete, a one-shot comic that collected many of the Pin-Up Pete pages that appeared in various early 1950s comics published by Toby. The feature was nominally about a soldier with the moniker “Pin-Up Pete” who told tales about his encounters with various vivacious fems. But, as you no-doubt guessed, it was mainly an excuse to post some pin-up drawings.
Because it may be hard to decipher the text in the original art, I’ve re-typed it below:
When the Earth is harder than a pawnbroker’s heart…when the icicles hang from a man’s nostrils like lace from a Spanish shawl…when the words freeze in a Marine’s throat before the first syllable is formed…
What’s to do about it?
Pin-up Pete has the answer. “Gather around yer Uncle Pete,” he calls out to his half frozen buddies, “an warm the cockles o’ yer hearts wit’ the hamburger-hot details o’ me adventures wit’ the opposite sex—-dames to you—-which make their livin’ doin’ men’s jobs in the daytime…but who, at night, is one hunnert percent female!!
Art by Jack Sparling from Pin-Up Pete, 1952. Published by Toby. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.
Three male soldiers in combat gear. Two of them are smoking. One of the soldiers blows out a puff of smoke that is in the form of a shapely woman.
CAPTION: Sometimes even a wisp of smoke can stir the imagination and lift weary hearts!
SOLDIER #1: Wow! so many curves! reminds me of my girlfriend!
SOLDIER #2: Keep your pants on, Junior! That’s my mom!
Happy Veterans Day
1952 Artist: Jack Sparling New Dialogue: John Lustig
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