by John | Mar 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
Happy early Easter from magical bunny wrangler Mike Pascale and me!

Art by Luis Dominguez from the story “Reckless Romance” in FIRST KISS #30, 1963.
WOMAN (talking to Easter Bunny): You don’t lay eggs? Good! ‘Cause…I’m not an egg!
Bunny Artist & Easter Egg Colorist to Dye For: Mike Pascale
1963 Art Featuring Woman: Luis Dominguez Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptWOMAN (talking to Easter Bunny): You don’t lay eggs? Good! ‘Cause...I’m not an egg!
Bunny Artist & Easter Egg Colorist to Dye For: Mike Pascale
1963 Art Featuring Woman: Luis Dominguez Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Mar 15, 2018 | Uncategorized

Art by Alberta Tewks from “Private Affair” in ALL TRUE ROMANCE #19, 1954.
WOMAN (speaking to leprechaun): I don’t care if you’re feeling lucky! No pot of gold, no wishes!
1954 Art: Alberta Tewks Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Luck, Levity & Magical Modifications: Mike Pascale
Art by Alberta Tewks from “Private Affair” in ALL TRUE ROMANCE #19, 1954.
↓ TranscriptWOMAN (speaking to leprechaun): I don’t care if you’re feeling lucky! No pot of gold, no wishes!
1954 Art: Alberta Tewks Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Luck, Levity & Magical Modifications: Mike Pascale
Art by Alberta Tewks from "Private Affair" in ALL TRUE ROMANCE #19, 1954.
by John | Dec 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
Another Christmas gag (and modified art) courtesy of my friend Mike Pascale. Thanks, Mike!

Artist Unknown. From the story “Bachelor’s Farewell” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.
CAUCASIAN WOMAN (talking to an African American Santa Claus): I’m not dreaming of a…white Christmas!
1959 Artist Unknown Coloring for Woman: Allen Freeman
Santa-fication & Holiday Hijinks: Mike Pascale
Artist Unknown. From the story “Bachelor’s Farewell” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.
↓ TranscriptCAUCASIAN WOMAN (talking to an African American Santa Claus): I’m not dreaming of a...white Christmas!
1959 Artist Unknown Coloring for Woman: Allen Freeman
Santa-fication & Holiday Hijinks: Mike Pascale
Artist Unknown. From the story "Bachelor's Farewell" in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.
by John | Dec 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
A Last Kiss on a Tuesday?
Yup. I’m celebrating the holidays by running new comics every day through Christmas. I hope you enjoy the extra kisses!
My thanks to Mirthful Mike Pascale for today’s gag and revamping Diego’s art to give it a Christmas theme!

Art by Lou Fine from SMASH #26, 1941.
BUCKY: I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus! And the milkman…the mailman…the maid…
It’s Always Bucky™
1941 Art: Lou Fine Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Holiday Hilarity & Milk Deliveries: Mike Pascale
Art by Lou Fine from SMASH #26, 1941.
↓ TranscriptBUCKY: I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus! And the milkman...the mailman...the maid…
It’s Always Bucky™
1941 Art: Lou Fine Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Holiday Hilarity & Milk Deliveries: Mike Pascale
Art by Lou Fine from SMASH #26, 1941.
by John | Dec 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
I had a cat who used to do this—every Christmas. <Sigh> Sometimes several times a Christmas—fortunately never when we had presents under the tree.
Thanks and many helpings of eggnog to my pal Mike Pascale for revamping Diego’s art to give it a Christmas theme!

Artist unknown. From the story “Chip on Her Shoulder” in Ten-Story Love #196, 1954.
SCENE: Woman looking at a cat who is wearing a Santa hat. Behind them is a Christmas tree.
WOMAN: Ugh! You peed under the tree–again!
CAT (thinking): It’s my favorite Christmas tradition!
1954 Artist Unknown Recreation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Feline Fashion & Eggnog Expert: Mike Pascale
Artist unknown. From the story “Chip on Her Shoulder” in Ten-Story Love #196, 1954.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman looking at a cat who is wearing a Santa hat. Behind them is a Christmas tree.
WOMAN: Ugh! You peed under the tree--again!
CAT (thinking): It’s my favorite Christmas tradition!
1954 Artist Unknown Recreation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Feline Fashion & Eggnog Expert: Mike Pascale
Artist unknown. From the story "Chip on Her Shoulder" in Ten-Story Love #196, 1954.