Pilgrim Pride

Pilgrim Pride

Happy Thanksgiving from me and Pilgrim punster Mike (“I’ want the drumstick!”) Pascale.

Artist Unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25, 1962



SCENE: Pilgrim man and woman talking. He’s wearing a tall hat with a buckle on the front. She’s buried her head in her hand in disbelief.

PILGRIM MAN: You know what I’m thankful for? This hat will never go out of style!

1962 Artist Unknown Facial Coloring: Allen Freeman
Master of Buckles & Bonnets: Mike Pascale

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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Pilgrim man and woman talking. He's wearing a tall hat with a buckle on the front. She's buried her head in her hand in disbelief.

PILGRIM MAN: You know what I’m thankful for? This hat will never go out of style!

1962 Artist Unknown Facial Coloring: Allen Freeman
Master of Buckles & Bonnets: Mike Pascale

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Corny Candy for Halloween

Corny Candy for Halloween

Happy Halloween from me and Mike (“I’ve got the munchies!”) Pascale.

Art by Lee Elias from Witches Tales #8, 1952.



SCENE: The Grim Reaper—appearing as a skeleton clothed in a hooded robe and carrying a scythe—confronts a frightened woman in a grave yard. She’s tied to a large tombstone. Other living skeletons cavort around them.

you committed the ultimate Halloween SIN! You gave out Candy Corn!

WOMAN: I had to! nobody would eat Candy Broccoli!

SKELETON: Watta Corny joke!

1952 Art: Lee Elias From the cover of Witches Tales #8
Tasty Text: Mike (Mounds) Pascale & John (Junior Mints) Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: The Grim Reaper---appearing as a skeleton clothed in a hooded robe and carrying a scythe---confronts a frightened woman in a grave yard. She's tied to a large tombstone. Other living skeletons cavort around them.

you committed the ultimate Halloween SIN! You gave out Candy Corn!

WOMAN: I had to! nobody would eat Candy Broccoli!

SKELETON: Watta Corny joke!

1952 Art: Lee Elias From the cover of Witches Tales #8
Tasty Text: Mike (Mounds) Pascale & John (Junior Mints) Lustig

Best Halloween Costume?

Best Halloween Costume?

Special thanks for today’s comic treat to devil-may-care Mike Pascale!

Artist Unknown. From the story “Bachelor’s Farewell” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.

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SCENE: Blonde woman talking to a guy in a devil costume.

WOMAN: My costume? I’m a nymphomaniac!

Artist Unknown Devilish Charm & Color: Mike Pascale
©2014 Last Kiss Inc
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Halloween Fashion Fail

Halloween Fashion Fail

Today and tomorrow I’m re-running some horror and Halloween-themed comics I’ve done with my pal Mike Pascale. I’ll be running all-new gags Monday through Halloween.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Love Thief” in First Kiss #37, 1964.


SCENE: Vampire woman scene from the back is brushing her hair while looking into a mirror. The mirror shows the hairbrush, but not the vampire.

SCENE: Adult female vampire brushing her hair as she looks in the mirror. In the mirror’s image, we only see the brush—not the vampire.

VAMPIRE: This is why vampires never get new hairdos!

1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman Vampire SPX & Hair-Raising Humor: Mike Pascale

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SCENE: Vampire woman scene from the back is brushing her hair while looking into a mirror. The mirror shows the hairbrush, but not the vampire.

SCENE: Adult female vampire brushing her hair as she looks in the mirror. In the mirror's image, we only see the brush---not the vampire.

VAMPIRE: This is why vampires never get new hairdos!

1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman Vampire SPX & Hair-Raising Humor: Mike Pascale

Art Code:

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "The Love Thief" in First Kiss #37, 1964.

Hairy Halloween

Hairy Halloween

Hi. No coloring credit this time because I just scanned a print of the original comic and adjusted the color and the art myself. I’ll be using this approach for several of the other Halloween-themed comics coming up. I hope you like the results!  —John

1954 Art: Lee Elias From the cover of Witches Tales #23.

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SCENE: Crazed-looking old man who is wearing a white human uniform (doctor or mortician) is adjusting the hair or wig of a skeleton. The skeleton is smoking a cigarette and admiring himself as he looks into a hand mirror.

CRAZY OLD MAN: Hey, if it works for Trump, it’ll work for you!

SKELETON: Let's make Halloween great again!

1954 Art: Lee Elais From the cover of Witches Tales #23