by John | Oct 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
I thoroughly enjoyed working on today’s comic with my pal Mike Pascale. Mike approached me years ago about modifying some of my romance art for new Halloween gags. And from that has sprung a fun-filled tradition of working on most holiday gags together—with Mike making the art fit the gag. Thanks, Mike!

Original art by the Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Change of Heart” in FIRST KISS #37, 1964.
SCENE: Woman is dancing with the Headless Horseman.
CAPTION: Darla loved dating the Headless Horseman…at first! He was a great listener! So modest! No swollen head! But soon she had doubts. Even…dread! Would the sex be mindless? Did he give good…bed? Suddenly Darla felt like she was in over her head!
WOMAN (thinking): He hasn’t said a word all night! is it my breath?
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Mad Modifications & Heady Humor: Mike Pascale
↓ TranscriptTranscript:
SCENE: Woman is dancing with the Headless Horseman.
CAPTION: Darla loved dating the Headless first! He was a great listener! So modest! No swollen head! But soon she had doubts. Even...dread! Would the sex be mindless? Did he give good…bed? Suddenly Darla felt like she was in over her head!
WOMAN (thinking): He hasn’t said a word all night! is it my breath?
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Mad Modifications & Heady Humor: Mike Pascale
by John | Apr 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Easter from me and my pal (and frequent Last Kiss collaborator) Mike Pascale.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Gay Deception” in FIRST KISS #8, 1959.
SCENE: Woman talking to someone who is wearing a bunny costume.
WOMAN: At last! Sex worth dye-ing for!
1959 Art (featuring woman): Vince Colletta Studio
Director of Bunny Couture: Mike Pascale
Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Gay Deception” in FIRST KISS #8, 1959.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman talking to someone who is wearing a bunny costume.
WOMAN: At last! Sex worth dye-ing for!
1959 Art (featuring woman): Vince Colletta Studio
Director of Bunny Couture: Mike Pascale
Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "The Gay Deception" in FIRST KISS #8, 1959.
by John | Apr 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy early Easter from me and my pal Mike Pascale (bunny artist supreme.)

Artist Unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25, 1962
GUY IN BUNNY SUIT: You dated the Energizer Bunny! So I thought…
WOMAN HOLDING HER HAND OVER HER FACE: You’d give me a buzz? I’m shocked!
1962 Artist Unknown
Bunny Costumer Supreme: Mike Pascale
Artist Unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25, 1962
↓ TranscriptGUY IN BUNNY SUIT: You dated the Energizer Bunny! So I thought…
WOMAN HOLDING HER HAND OVER HER FACE: You’d give me a buzz? I’m shocked!
1962 Artist Unknown
Bunny Costumer Supreme: Mike Pascale
Artist Unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25, 1962
by John | Feb 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Valentine’s Day from me and my pal (& frequent collaborator) Mike Pascal.
I’m not sure why Mike and I keep coming up with zombie LK comics for V. Day. We’ve also done a fair amount of Cupid gags for the holiday. Hmm. I can see where this is going and—no, Mike, we’re not a doing zombie Cupid comic next year!
(Unless, of course it’s very, very funny—and tasteful.)

Art by Dick Giordano from the story “My Secret” in First Kiss #27, Aug. 1962.
SCHOOL GIRL #1: My Valentine has heart!
SCHOOL GIRL #2: Mine has brains!
ZOMBIE GIRL: Mine had both…and they were delicious!
1962 Art: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascal Zombie Makeover & Dating Advice: Mike Pascale
Art Code:
↓ TranscriptSCHOOL GIRL #1: My Valentine has heart!
SCHOOL GIRL #2: Mine has brains!
ZOMBIE GIRL: Mine had both...and they were delicious!
1962 Art: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascal Zombie Makeover & Dating Advice: Mike Pascale
Art Code:
by John | Nov 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Happy Thanksgiving! As often happens on the holidays, today’s Last Kiss humor is a collaborative gag cooked up by me and my pal Mike Pascale. Unless, of course, you don’t like it. Then it’s all Mike’s fault!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “I Chose Heartbreak” in FIRST KISS #37, 1964.
SCENE: Bald-headed man looks through the kitchen doorway as a younger woman washes dishes and an older woman carries dishes.
MAN: Want me to stuff your bird?
OLDER WOMAN: Sure! And afterwards you can stuff the turkey!
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Overstuffed, Gluten-Free Humor: John Lustig & Mike Pascale
Art Code: DJP.lk509
Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “I Chose Heartbreak” in FIRST KISS #37, 1964
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Bald-headed man looks through the kitchen doorway as a younger woman washes dishes and an older woman carries dishes.
MAN: Want me to stuff your bird?
OLDER WOMAN: Sure! And afterwards you can stuff the turkey!
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Overstuffed, Gluten-Free Humor: John Lustig & Mike Pascale
Art Code: DJP.lk509