Those Big Elf Ears!

Those Big Elf Ears!

More elf-enhanced art and fun from my pal Mike Pascale! Original color work by Allen Freeman.

↓ Transcript
ELF: Do my big elf ears turn you on?

WOMAN: Sure! I'm pretending you're Mr. Spock!

Vintage art by Unknown Elfication by Mike Pascale

We’ve Got Elves!

We’ve Got Elves!

Last Kiss is getting a new look for Christmas. Once again my pal Mike Pascale (artist & humorist) is transforming my old Last Kiss art for the holidays. In the past, he’s turned some of my characters into zombies for Halloween.

Between now and Christmas, Last Kiss is going to be featuring plenty of elves. So stay tooned for more Pascale fun!

(Below are two versions of the art before Mike elf-ified it. The first is from First Kiss #25–with the original 1960s romance dialog.)

(The second is the art after my colorist Allen Freeman removed some distracting background details, added a bit of art—drawing in a bit of the chef’s hat—and colored it. Eventually, I’ll be using this version of the art as well—as soon as I come up with an appropriate gag. )

↓ Transcript
WOMAN: Oh, no! Not the elf costume again!

ELF: But...I remembered to wear pants this time!

Vintage art by Unknown Elfication by Mike Pascale

Zombody to Watch Over Me

Zombody to Watch Over Me

We wrap up our three-part Halloween zombie fest with—I think—the funniest of the bunch. As well as the bloodiest.

Credit for the gag and the gore go to monster-maker Mike Pascale. Thanks, Mike.

To see all of Mike’s Last Kiss Halloween comics so far, click Pascale-Halloween.

Happy Halloween, everybody. And look out for the walking dead—especially if they’re cartoonists!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A zombie is eating embracing a girl, eating her brains. She doesn't seem to mind.

GIRL: I know he has his flaws…but I’ve
forgotten them for some reason!


Text and vintage art zombified by Make Pascale.

Original art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia.

Pre-zombie color by Allen Freeman

Zombie Perfection

Zombie Perfection

Our Zombie Week celebration continues—courtesy of Mike Pascale. You won’t want to miss the Halloween installment…if you have any bra-a-a-ins!

To see all of Mike’s Last Kiss Halloween comics so far, click Pascale-Halloween.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Zombie at the table with a bowl of brains. Young woman and an older woman look on.

YOUNG WOMAN: He doesn’t
get drunk, cheat or fart! And I never have to cook!

OLDER WOMAN: The perfect man!

ZOMBIE: Braaains!

Art zombified by Mike Pascale

Leftovers Again

Leftovers Again

Once again, we’re celebrating Halloween with a week of Last Kiss zombies. This year (as well as last year) artist/humorist Mike Pascale transformed my silly romance characters into even sillier zombies.

To see all of Mike’s Last Kiss Halloween comics so far, click Pascale-Halloween.

You can see more of the awesome Mr. Pascale’s art here and more of his humor in his Beer Abby web column. Thanks, Mike!

Here’s the original art (before Mike zombified it.) Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia. Color by Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Young woman in kitchen with zombie mom. Zombie mom is holding a bowl of brains.

WOMAN: Hey, Mom! What’s for dinner?

ZOMBIE MOM: Braaains!

WOMAN: Again?

Vintage art zombified by Mike Pascale