Yankee Doodle Randy

Yankee Doodle Randy

(In case you’re wondering, the Martha StewTart saga will resume Friday.)

My pal Mike Pascale is on a mission His goal is to revamp my Last Kiss art for as many holidays as possible. He started with Halloween—turning starry-eyed sweethearts into zombies.

Next came Christmas—turning lovers into elves and Santa. Then Valentine’s Day—Cupid.

And now, for the Fourth of July—Uncle Sam.

What’s next?  Beats me. But…no. Stop! Mike, don’t even think about…Columbus Day!

The Last Kiss art---prior to Mike's modifications. Color by Allen Freeman.

Below is the original First Kiss romance art from the 1960s.


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man dressed as Uncle Sam smiles at woman. In background, fireworks are going off.

MAN: I’m a Yankee Doodle! A big pole, flag-waving, randy dandy!

WOMAN: Really? You look more like a "fruited plain!”

Art patriotized by Mike Pascale
Gag by Pascale & Lustig

Cupid Strikes a Deal

Cupid Strikes a Deal

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

I love collaborating with Mike Pascale on holiday gags. We always begin by selecting art that Mike can modify (or in this case “Cupify”) to fit the holiday. Then we both think up gags

Many of these are great gags. Wonderful, side-splitting, pee-in-your-pants funny gags.

For the sake of hygiene, we throw all those gags away and just use whatever is left over.

Below is the original art (drawn by Vince Colletta) with the original text as it appeared in an issue of First Kiss in the early 1960s.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman holds up a smiling cupid.

CUPID: So it's a deal! I'll get you a date...

WOMAN: And I'll change your diapers!

Original art by Vince Colletta. Cupidization by Mike Pascale

Santa’s Extra-Naughty List

Santa’s Extra-Naughty List

Happy holidays, everyone! I hope your next kiss is never your last!

↓ Transcript
SANTA: Ready to get off the naughty list?

WOMAN (as she kisses Santa): Not quite!

Vintage art by Dick Giordano Santa-fication by Mike Pascale

Sexy Gifts from the North Pole

Sexy Gifts from the North Pole

↓ Transcript
Woman talking to an elf.

WOMAN: And remember! No more sex toys for Christmas…unless I get to use them!

Vintage art by Vince Colletta Studio Elfication by Mike Pascale

Sexy Help for Christmas

Sexy Help for Christmas

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A beautiful woman dressed up in skimpy, Santa clothes.

WOMAN: Oh! You want me to stimulate the economy? My mistake!

Gag by Pascale & Lustig Art and color by Allen Freeman