by John | Oct 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
Whip out your wooden stakes. Polish your crucifixes. Melt your silverware into bullets. Halloween is coming and no one is safe…
…from the silly, horror gags Mike Pascale and I have created.
On Monday—Vampire Romance!

Original art by Dick Giordano with possible assist by Vince Colletta. First appeared in First Kiss #6, 1958.
(The original art was extended some years ago for me by Allen Freeman who drew in the tops of the characters heads.)
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Vampire man and vampire woman embrace and smile at each other. Blood drips from their mouths and fangs.
MAN: We’ll save a fortune on our wedding! We won’t need photographers!
WOMAN: And, instead of champagne…we'll drink the guests!
Art: Dick Giordano (with possible assist by Vince Colletta) Additional art by Allen Freeman Vampirization: Mike Pascale
©2013 Last Kiss Inc
by John | Jul 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
Here’s another fun Fourth of July comic by magical Mike Pascale. As usual, Mike has “holidazed” some of my old romance art. Plus, Mike wrote this one on his own.
You can see more of Mike’s Last Kiss holiday gags here.

Here’s the original cover from I Love You #44 (1963) by Dick Giordano.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman dancing with man dressed as Uncle Sam at a party. Man in background staring angrily.
MAN IN BACKGROUND: What’s that dandy got that I haven’t?
WOMAN: A bigger Yankee Doodle!
Art: Dick Giordano Rendering: Allen Freeman
Patriotization & Gag: Mike Pascale
©2013 Last Kiss Inc.
by John | Jun 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
Here’s the first of this year’s two Fourth of July comics courtesy of magical Mike Pascale. As usual, Mike has “holidazed” some of my old romance art. And, as often happens, the gag is a joint Pascale-Lustig effort.
You can see more of Mike’s Last Kiss holiday gags here.
Here’s the art from First Kiss #6 back in 1958. In his notes to me about First Kiss, the late Dick Giordano said that he either drew this story on his own or collaborated with Vince Colletta.

First Kiss #6, 1958.
And below is the art after it was colorized and modified by Allen Freeman several years ago. I’ve used this art for several gags over the years. This is the version which Mike Pascale “holidazed” for the Fourth of July.

The art as colored and extended by Allen Freeman.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman with Uncle Sam. Fireworks in background.
WOMAN: That was spectactular! What’s your secret?
UNCLE SAM: I’ve had 237 years to learn foreplay!
Original Pencils: Dick Giordano Uncle Sam SPX: Mike Pascale
©2013 Last Kiss Inc
by John | Mar 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
My pal Mike Pascale is back with another holiday treat. This time, though—instead of transforming some old romance art—Mike worked his magic on something (almost) new.
The original version of this art was drawn a few years by my longtime colorist Allen Freeman. Five points and a chocolate Easter egg–if you can find one–to everyone who can guess which holiday Allen originally had in mind!

Original version of art by Allen Freeman
Here are some of the past holiday collaborations that Mike and I have done.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A beautiful woman wearing a skimpy, Playboy-type bunny costume.
WOMAN: I ordered Easter Bunny, but Amazon sent me Playboy Bunny! Disappointed!
Art by by Allen Freeman Bunnification by Mike Pascale
©2013 Last Kiss Inc
by John | Mar 14, 2013 | Uncategorized
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from me and the master of holiday mirth Magic Mike Pascale!
Mike has made it his mission in life to transform Last Kiss art into entertaining holiday comics.
You can see some of our past holiday collaborations here.

Original art & text from First Kiss #8, 1959.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Leprechaun talking to a woman.
LEPRECHAUN: I may be a wee bit
short now! But I’m tall ‘n Temptin’...when I’m standin’ on me pot o’ gold!
Original Art: Vince Colletta Studio St.. Pat’s Magic: Mike Pascale
©2013 Last Kiss Inc