The Nurse Who Lost Her Patients

The Nurse Who Lost Her Patients

My wife’s an LPN (Low-Paid Nurse), but she’s a bit more gentle than this. In fact, Shelagh’s a terrific nurse. I found this out 26 years when she was my mom’s nurse. She did such a good job that I married her.

Still, don’t mess with Shelagh. She has sharp needles and she knows how to use them!

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SCENE: Nurse flings a man over her shoulder.

NURSE: Fluff your own pillows!

Healthy Comics?

Healthy Comics?

Are you happy with your health insurance? Great. I’m happy for you. Really.

But if you’re a freelancer–like most comic pros are–you probably aren’t so happy. (Unless you have a spouse with great health insurance.) Because you’re on your own, baby.

You can end up paying $1,100 a month for a basic, no-frills plan. I know because I’ve paid it. (And then paid thousands of dollars more when I found that our plan didn’t cover some basic tests and treatment.)

This isn’t a liberal vs. conservative issue. This is a comics issue. Affordable health care would be a huge boost for struggling comic pros. Instead of working three jobs to support themselves, some comic creators might only have to work two and a half. Oh, sure, affordable health care would also benefit millions of other folks. But let’s get our priorities straight, people. It’s all about me.

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CRYING WOMAN: I’ll never qualify for insurance! Being a comic character is...a pre-existing health condition!

No Sex! No Fear! No Husband!

No Sex! No Fear! No Husband!

I’m not sure what kind of doctor the woman on the right is, but apparently she’s really good at her job!

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SCENE: Woman enters room and sees her husband kissing another woman--a doctor.

WOMAN: Oh, thank you, Doctor! You’ve cured my husband! He’s no longer afraid of sex!

WOMAN (again): Uh, Doctor...

Lush-Lipped Woman

Lush-Lipped Woman

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POLICEMAN (to nurse): I’m looking for A beautiful woman...with lush lips and a tattoo on her tush that says, “Kiss me, you fool!”

NURSE: Gosh! Who isn’t?