by John | Jun 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
In creating “Martha StewTart” I sometimes changed the order of the panels from the original art. For the sake of continuity, though, I’m presenting Charlton’s “Forever and a Day” in it’s original order. (See below.)

Click image to enlarge.
↓ TranscriptPANEL 1:
TITLE: Martha StewTart...Domestic Superhero!
CAPTION: “I know it’s hard to believe, but I haven’t always been as perfect as I am now! During those early carefree days when I lived next to a nuclear project, I didn’t fully understand the joys of being a woman!”*
CAPTION: *As told by Martha herself...except for the parts we made up!
BOB: Well, I'm off to split an atom! Did you have time to pack me a lunch, Martha?
MARTHA: I sure did! And I went all out this time! Bread and butter sandwiches! And for dessert...a Twinkie!
BOB: Gee, that's, uh...great! But, should take a cooking class sometime!
MARTHA: Me? Cook? Don't be silly, Bob! Now go! I'll have your TV dinner defrosted by the time you get home!
MARTHA: By the way, are the lab boys through with that big mysterious project at the lake? I'd like to go swimming...if it's safe?
BOB: They should be finishing up right now! And, of course, it's safe!
CAPTION: To Be Continued
by John | Jun 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
And so begins my 10-part serialization of the Martha StewTart saga. What is it exactly? The answer is here.
Below is the first page of the original romance art from First Kiss. I’ll be reprinting the entire “Forever and a Day” storyline here bit-by-bit as the Martha StewTart story unfolds. So you’ll be getting two stories at the same time!

Click to enlarge.
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: In the time it takes you to read this, Martha StewTart can build a 69-room mansion out of toothpicks...crochet a dust cover for her septic tank...and whip up a gourmet breakfast out of dandelions and gerbil mix! How does she do it? Find out in the secret origin of...
MARTHA (thinking as she kisses her husband): The perfect kiss! %$# I’m good!
TITLE: Martha StewTart...Domestic Superhero!*
*As told by Martha herself...except for the parts we made up!
To Be Continued
Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani
Color by Shane Fisher
by John | Jul 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
I’m at the San Diego Comic Con this week Booth #2302. Details here.
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: Reporter Lucy Lovely is trapped in a radioactive asbestos mine with dozens of escaped murderers; billions of poisonous spiders; and one really annoying French mime! Fortunately, Captain Muscles saves her--as usual!
DAUGHTER (to Mom & Dad): Plus he did my taxes and waxed Dad’s car!
DAD: It’d be a sad, crazy world...if superheroes weren’t real!
Art by Charles Nicholas and Sal Trapani
by John | Apr 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman crying.
CAPTION: Many superheroes have tragic origins, but few can compare to the tear-streaked tale of Ms. Miserable--The Human Fire Extinguisher! Orphaned as a baby when her parents tried to save the whales--in giant Mylar bags--Penny DredJoy holds the world record for nonstop sobbing!
WOMAN: I’m beautiful! Healthy! Rich! And today’s...a national holiday in my honor! But I just
know something will go wrong tomorrow!
CAPTION: Never underestimate the power of negative thinking!
Inked by Dick Giordano
by John | Aug 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
Hey, anyone who’s a parent is really a superhero, right?
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A mom and dad at home with their young daughter.
CAPTION: Dr. Hugo Mania and Prof. Mary Shrinkhead (AKA Major Ego and Captain Id) were as happy as two superheroes could be! But then they got married and soon they were facing their toughest challenge…raising a child!
MAJOR EGO: Let’s take Suzy with us on our crime patrol!
CAPTAIN ID: She can carry a laser cannon! We’ll call her Super Ego…the tiny tot of Freudian Justice!
SUZY: But I want to go to the beach!
SCENE: SCENE: Scene shifts to family in bathing suits at the beach.
CAPTION: Holy Dr. Spock! What a dilemma! Pummeling criminals (until they admit their self-destructive tendencies) or spending "quality time" at the beach! What will they choose?
CAPTAIN ID: Well…I suppose we can fight crime here instead!
MAJOR EGO: Sure! Evil mutant surfers are bound to show up!
SUZY: Lord! I just pray I was adopted!