Happy Valentine’s Day?

Happy Valentine’s Day?

I couldn’t resist writing a last-minute gag for Valentine’s Day. But I ended up writing four different punchlines for the guy in this comic.

—One sorta sweet. (“You bet!”)

—One sorta rude. ( “I’ve had worse!”)

—One sorta sexy. (“Happy Valentine’s Night!”)

—And the sorta silly one I ended up using.

Which is best? Beats me. For sheer schmaltz, though, I’d vote for the caption in the original romance comic from the 1960s:

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman kissing in front of a huge Valentine's heart.

WOMAN: Happy Valentine's Day?

MAN: So far? Not bad!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

I Hate to Interrupt, But…

I Hate to Interrupt, But…

And here’s the original First Kiss romance art before it got the Last Kiss treatment…

Click image to enlarge.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: In foreground, man and woman are kissing. In the background, a man watches them.

MAN IN BACKGROUND: I mean it! Five more minutes…and I’m cancelling our date!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

Smooching? Good Entertainment!

Smooching? Good Entertainment!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman imagines herself kissing a man.

WOMAN: We missed the movie? Gee! I wonder...what else we can do?

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

Carpenter Lust

Carpenter Lust

This one’s for the carpenter’s out there. In fact, so’s this one.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man who appears to be a carpenter is kissing a woman.

CARPENTER: I framed! I sawed!

WOMAN: You conquered!

Art by Charles Nicholas & Dick Giordano

Prepare to Takeoff

Prepare to Takeoff

Happy New Year!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Male pilot kissing a woman at airport.

PILOT (thinking): Preflight warm up complete!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio