Bread Boy Gets Crusty

Bread Boy Gets Crusty

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SCENE: Image of a man with a slice of bread instead of a regular head.

CAPTION: Last Kiss Presents:
Obscure HallowEEn Hero #2

CAPTION: Bread Boy was the toast
of the town. After he grained
fame, fans started buttering
him up. Women hungered
for him. And men wanted to
taste like him.

Or at least they did until one
day when Bread Boy ran out
of dough! Suddenly no one
wanted him! The nation goes
gluten free! Dieticians declare
him an enemy of the people!

Increasingly Crusty, he becomes a mere crumb of his former self.

But then he meets an amazing muffin at a breakfast bar. In a fancy French toast he proposes marriage. She accepts. And they live happily ever after--because they never get jammed up.

AI Art: Allen Freeman & John Lustig Hi-Calorie Humor: Lustig

Toast Man based on Allen Freeman AI Image

World’s Worst Halloween Costume

World’s Worst Halloween Costume

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Last Kiss Presents:
Obscure Halloween Hero #1
SCENE: A talking toilet.

CAPTION: Robbie’s toilet costume was a big, splashy success at the office Halloween party. Tragically, it was simply too realistic when he used the Men’s Room.

ROBBIE/TOILET: N-o-o-o! What are you doing? Don’t point that thing at me!!!

Art: Allen Freeman & AI Toilet Plunger: John Lustig


Ghosts Busted

Ghosts Busted

Hey, everyone. Oct. 22 is the birthday of Last Kiss colorist Diego Jourdan Pereira! Anyone want to wish him a happy BD here? If so, I’ll make sure that he sees this page!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Iger Studios from the cover (& a splash page) in Ghost Comics #2, 1952. Fiction House.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

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SCENE: Alarmed woman getting out of bed in a dark room. She's holding a lit candle.

WOMAN: Jeepers Peepers! More ghosts! And all of ‘em male...again! I wonder why...I only see them in my bedroom?And why aren’t any of them wearing anything......but grins?

1952 Art: Iger Studios New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
If there's something strange in your neighbhood...
Who ya gonna call? John Lustig!

djp_LK739_Alex Blum and Matt Baker Ghost Comics #2 Story Page 1 _hires.tif

A Labor of Lust

A Labor of Lust

Happy Labor Day from me and my frequent partner in hilarity Mike Pascale.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Gay Deception” in First Kiss #8, 1959.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

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WOMAN #1: My Labor Day party will have beer, burgers, buns and wieners!
WOMAN #2: Buns and…wieners? You mean…
WOMAN #1: Yup! Male strippers from... Big Bob’s Sausage Bar!

1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascale
Bouncers: Mike Pascale & John Lustig

How to Have a Happy International Cat Day

How to Have a Happy International Cat Day

My thanks to my pal Jennifer M. Contino for the gag. And–although I messed up and didn’t get it into the credits elsewhere–obviously Diego drew a new cat for the Last Kiss version of the panel. Thanks, Diego.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Chip on Her Shoulder” in Ten-Story Love #196, 1954.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

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