Mistletoe Bliss

Mistletoe Bliss

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story “Made for Romance” in FIRST KISS #4, 1958. Click link to read the entire issue of the original comic–for free.

Note: The expression on the woman’s face in the original art didn’t match the gag. So I replaced her face with another image of her from elsewhere in the story. With Photoshop almost all things are possible!





WOMAN talking while she thinks about—seen in a thought balloon—herself kissing a man. In the background is a green mistletoe pattern.

WOMAN: I hung mistletoe in every room. So, Merry Christmas to me!

1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
WOMAN talking while she thinks about---seen in a thought balloon---herself kissing a man. In the background is a green mistletoe pattern.

WOMAN: I hung mistletoe in every room. So, Merry Christmas to me!

1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: John Lustig

Leap of Faith–Plus Tony Isabella’s 70th Birthday

Leap of Faith–Plus Tony Isabella’s 70th Birthday

Please join me in saying Happy Birthday to frequent Last Kiss contributor and living legend Tony Isabella. He turns 70 on Dec. 22!

Tony must’ve started writing comics when he was a mere embryo because 70 years doesn’t seem long enough for his impressive list of credits. He’s worked for every major comic book company and been an innovator in this business (whenever his publishers have been wise enough to let him.)

I’m a longtime fan of his work (and his sense of humor.) So I’m thrilled to have him help write Last Kiss.

Although today’s gag wasn’t written by Tony, I’ll be posting two of his Last Kiss comics next week. Thanks, Tony!




Black Lightning creator Tony Isabella




SCENE: Cat looking up at a Christmas tree.

CAT: This year I’m reaching the top…in one leap! Christmas Star…you’re mine!

Photo: Laura Adai on Unsplash
Dialogue: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Cat looking up at a Christmas tree.

CAT: This year I’m reaching the top...in one leap! Christmas Star…you’re mine!

Photo: Laura Adai on Unsplash
Dialogue: John Lustig


Naughty and Nice

Naughty and Nice

This week I’ll be posting Last Kiss comics every day through Christmas. I hope you enjoy the extra comics!

Santa appears here courtesy of part-time Christmas elf and full-time nice guy Mike Pascale.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Dick Giordano from the story “Fooling with Love” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959. Read the entire issue for free by clicking the link.






SCENE: Close up of a woman kissing Santa Claus on the cheek. She has one hand on his other cheek.

SANTA: Ready to get off my naughty list?

WOMAN: Nope!

1959 Art: Dick Giordano Santa-fication: Mike Pascale

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Close up of a woman kissing Santa Claus on the cheek. She has one hand on his other cheek.

SANTA: Ready to get off my naughty list?

WOMAN: Nope!

1959 Art: Dick Giordano Santa-fication: Mike Pascale

Snow Me

Snow Me






SCENE: Two dogs looking out the window at a snowy scene outside. There’s a Christmas wreathe hanging above them on the window.

BLACK DOG: Look! A snowman! And a snow woman! %$#@! I was hopin’ for a snow dog!

TAWNY-COLORED DOG: I was hoping for a snow fire hydrant!

Photo: Laura Beth Snipes on Unsplash Dialogue: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Two dogs looking out the window at a snowy scene outside. There's a Christmas wreathe hanging above them on the window.

BLACK DOG: Look! A snowman! And a snow woman! %$#@! I was hopin’ for a snow dog!

TAWNY-COLORED DOG: I was hoping for a snow fire hydrant!

Photo: Laura Beth Snipes on Unsplash Dialogue: John Lustig


A Popeye Thanksgiving

A Popeye Thanksgiving

Cultivating a sense of being grateful is something I’ve been working on for awhile now. Besides being the right thing to do, it’s also good for you. Chances are, you’ll feel better—and I don’t mean just emotionally and spiritually—although likely that too—but also physically. (Supposedly, optimists live longer.)

I’m not brushing aside all the negative things. There’s lots of them.

But perhaps because of all those negatives, I’m more grateful than usual this year for so many things. Family, good friends and…heck, just for being alive and reasonably healthy, And, of course, I’m extremely grateful for all you readers. Thank you for appreciating my weird sense of humor and participating for so many years.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art from J.R. Williams vintage, early 20th Century newspaper comic: Out Our Way.




A young girl and boy are sitting at the meal table. Both are in shock as their mother dishes them globs of cooked spinach.

MOTHER: We couldn’t afford a turkey. So just eat your spinach…and be Thankful! That’s what Popeye would do! He’d give thanks for spinach!

GIRL: We’d rather be like Wimpy!

BOY: Yeah! Then we could be thankful for burgers!

Art from J.R. Williams vintage, early 20th Century newspaper comic: Out Our Way
New Dialogue: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
A young girl and boy are sitting at the meal table. Both are in shock as their mother dishes them globs of cooked spinach.

MOTHER: We couldn’t afford a turkey. So just eat your spinach…and be Thankful! That’s what Popeye would do! He’d give thanks for spinach!

GIRL: We’d rather be like Wimpy!

BOY: Yeah! Then we could be thankful for burgers!

Art from J.R. Williams vintage comic: Out Our Way
New Dialogue: John Lustig
