No Accounting for Taste—or Taxes

No Accounting for Taste—or Taxes

Happy Tax Day—courtesy of Mike Pascale and me.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta from the story “Involuntary Bride” from FIRST KISS #40, 1965. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.




MAN: Your CPA called! Your taxes are due…today!

WOMAN (hand to forehead as if she has a headache): <Groan!>CPA must stand for Constant Pain in the A**!

CAPTION: **Rhymes with “Class!” But we’re too classy to say it!

1965 Art: Vince Colletta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Taxing Humor: Mike Pascale & John Lustig



↓ Transcript
MAN: Your CPA called! Your taxes are!

WOMAN (hand to forehead as if she has a headache): <Groan!>CPA must stand for Constant Pain in the A**!

CAPTION: **Rhymes with “Class!” But we’re too classy to say it!

1965 Art: Vince Colletta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Taxing Humor: Mike Pascale & John Lustig


A Big Easter Surprise

A Big Easter Surprise

Happy Easter!

Big thanks–even bigger than these monster eggs—to Mike Pascale for the great gag and visual changes to the original art. Now hop to it and think of some more gag, Mr. Pascale. (I’m paying you in Peeps®, of course!)

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art unattributed but possibly by Vince Colletta. From the story “You Can Never Tell” in First Kiss #10, Sept. 1959. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.






SCENE: A mother in (an Easter?) dress is with a young girl and boy looking towards a house with at least three giant Easter eggs on the lawn. A pair of bunny rabbits look on.

MOM: Kids, you’re going to need bigger easter baskets!

BUNNY RABBITS: Mrs. Godzilla is such a show-off!

1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio? Color: Allen Freeman
Eggcellent Humor: Mike Pascale & John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A mother in (an Easter?) dress is with a young girl and boy looking towards a house with at least three giant Easter eggs on the lawn. A pair of bunny rabbits look on.

MOM: Kids, you’re going to need bigger easter baskets!

BUNNY RABBITS: Mrs. Godzilla is such a show-off!

1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio? Color: Allen Freeman
Eggcellent Humor: Mike Pascale & John Lustig

It’s So Eggciting

It’s So Eggciting

I actually created today’s Last Kiss comic back in 2021. But I already had enough Easter gags. So I decided to save it and run it this year. This, of course, was long before the recent news that Die Hard star Bruce Willis has aphasia and was retiring.

I only mention this because the timing is a little awkward and I love Willis. Going all the way back to his Moonlighting days, he’s been a fun, larger-than-screen actor. And I sincerely wish him well. I hope, in this lastest chapter in his life, he can still enjoy many moments of joy and love.

Note: Bunny image adapted from a photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash.





Here at Last Kiss Entertainment we adore classic movies.
(Some more than five years old!) So there’s nothing we love more…than cashing in big time by remaking them!

After all, even a perfect film can be improved by adding car chases, gross out humor, modern special effects and sarcastic, talking animals!

Thus, just in time for Easter, we bring you the new, improved…

DYE HARD: Color Me Eggcited

This film has been rated “G” (for Gross) by children of all ages.

RABBIT/BUNNY: Yippee-ki-yay, mother plucker!


↓ Transcript
Here at Last Kiss Entertainment we adore classic movies.
(Some more than five years old!) So there’s nothing we love more...than cashing in big time by remaking them!

After all, even a perfect film can be improved by adding car chases, gross out humor, modern special effects and sarcastic, talking animals!

Thus, just in time for Easter, we bring you the new, improved…

DYE HARD: Color Me Eggcited

This film has been rated “G” (for Gross) by children of all ages.

RABBIT/BUNNY: Yippee-ki-yay, mother plucker!


Easter Bokeh Digital Papers (10)

Leprechaun? Lepre-can’t!

Leprechaun? Lepre-can’t!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone. And Happy 38th Wedding Anniversary to my personal leprechaun—not a lepre-can’t—Shelagh!

Many thanks to my pal Mike Pascale for the idea that sparked this gag as well as the awesome St. Pat’s makeover from the original art.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Inked by Dick Giordano. From the story “My Foolish Heart” in FIRST KISS #21, 1961. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.




SCENE: In the foreground an upset young woman is holding her hands to each side of her face. In the background (in a thought balloon), a leprechaun (or a man dressed as a leprechaun) is running away towards a boat.

WOMAN: At first I felt so lucky!

WOMAN: I was dating a real LEPRECHAUN!!!

WOMAN: Sure, I was disappointed…he never gave me a pot o’gold! or any magic wishes!

WOMAN: But no orgasms? That was a problem!!!

WOMAN: Then he left me and I realized the truth!


1961 Inks: Dick Giordano
New Color: Allen Freeman
Lepre-Artist: Mike Pascale
Lepre-Writer: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: In the foreground an upset young woman is holding her hands to each side of her face. In the background (in a thought balloon), a leprechaun (or a man dressed as a leprechaun) is running away towards a boat.

WOMAN: At first I felt so lucky!

WOMAN: I was dating a real LEPRECHAUN!!!

WOMAN: Sure, I was disappointed...he never gave me a pot o’gold! or any magic wishes!

WOMAN: But no orgasms? That was a problem!!!

WOMAN: Then he left me and I realized the truth!


1961 Inks: Dick Giordano
New Color: Allen Freeman
Lepre-Artist: Mike Pascale
Lepre-Writer: John Lustig

A Rosy Idea for Presidents’ Day

A Rosy Idea for Presidents’ Day

This is about 180 degrees away from what I was originally planning to do for President’s Day. I thought I’d feature an inspiring quote about leadership or courage or patriotism or some such. But for some reason I kept coming back to this quote by Abe Lincoln that doesn’t seem to fit any of my expected categories at all.

But we live in difficult times. Depression and anger are rampant. So I thought something clearly and strongly upbeat might be more appropriate. And maybe looking for good things does have something to do with leadership, courage and maybe even patriotism after all.




SCENE: A rose garden.

CAPTION: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns…or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
–Abraham Lincoln

Adapted from a photo by Heidi Kaden


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A rose garden.

CAPTION: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns...or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
--Abraham Lincoln

Adapted from a photo by Heidi Kaden
