It Takes A Real Man…

It Takes A Real Man…

Years ago, a gay fan encouraged me to write some gay Last Kiss gags. Since I’m straight, I had to really think about what it meant to be gay. Not the physical stuff. The emotional.

I quickly realized that the whole idea of people choosing to be gay was nonsense. First of all, sexual urges are pretty much hard-wired into people. I didn’t choose to be attracted to women (although I sure encouraged women to be attracted to me.) It was just this overwhelming attraction that blindsided me at puberty.

So for someone to “choose” against those urges–and to buck everything in our society (plus parents) that expected us to team up with the opposite sex–well, that would be incredibly difficult. Therefore, being gay had to be tough. So…it takes a “real man” to be gay. Unless, of course, you’re a “real woman.”

This comic now available in German.

↓ Transcript
WOMAN: What makes you so tough? So incredibly manly?

MAN: I'm gay!

CAPTION: Remember, kids! It takes a real man to be gay!

Happy Misery

Happy Misery

This comic available in German.

↓ Transcript
(Scene: Husband and wife embracing in a kitchen.)

MAN: ...And so, you won't mind if we live with my mom for a few years?

WOMAN: Of course not, Dear! I don't need to be long as I have you!

Daddy Likes You

Daddy Likes You

This episode now available in German.

↓ Transcript
FATHER (to prospective son-in-law): No marriage ‘til I run your fingerprints!

DAUGHTER: Daddy must like you! He usually insists on a urine

Marriage Surprise

Marriage Surprise

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? To read this comic (and others) in German click here.

↓ Transcript
BRIDE (to Groom): We're getting married!

GROOM: Wow! Thanks for letting me know!

My husband! My lawyer! Oh, my!

My husband! My lawyer! Oh, my!

This comic now available in German.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman looking with astonishment at a smiling man (her husband) and a smiling woman (her lawyer):

WIFE: My husband and lawyer! What are they doing here?

LAWYER: Great news! I’ve negotiated your divorce settlement! You get the car and the kids! And he gets the house…and me!