Nice by the Cup

Nice by the Cup

If I had to guess, I’d say she’s not a morning person…

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Read this comic in German.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman is about to drink some hot coffee.
WOMAN (thinks): Everyone knows I’m the world’s nicest, person...

SOUND (from off panel): GROAN

WOMAN (thinks): unless you bother me before my first cup!

VOICE (from off panel): So much blood!


Freudian Sip

Freudian Sip

Do I need to explain that this is just a joke? And that no babies, moms, or imaginary animals were harmed, traumatized or sexualized in the making of this comic? No? Good!

This comic is now available in German.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Smiling mom with smiling baby.

MOM: Guess what? It's time to breast feed!

BABY: Oedipus complex by damned! I'm in love!

Sleepover Slip-Up!

Sleepover Slip-Up!

Oops! It’s always embarrassing when you can’t remember the name of the person you slept with. Of course, that’s what name badges are for…

This episode now available in German.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Young woman without a shirt (but wearing a bra) adjusts her hair in front of a mirror. Behind her, a second young woman (in a ) looks on.

WOMAN #1: Gee! We haven’t had a sleepover since the night you and Bob broke up!

WOMAN #2: I didn’t sleep over that night!

WOMAN #1 (again): Really? I’m sure I slept with one of you

Last Second Hero

Last Second Hero

Writing a gag for art that has no visible people in it is always a challenge. For a long time now, I’ve been wanting to come up with a great gag for this piece of art. This is the best I’ve come up with (so far) that’s reasonably clean!

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? To read this comic in German click here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Passenger jet dives steeply towards the water and then pulls up at the last second.

PILOT (again): I saved the last second!
PILOT (again): See? I told ya...
PILOT (again): I'm not hopelessly drunk!


Love Is Blind

Love Is Blind

It always strikes me as bizarre that in the movies a woman removes her glasses (or has them removed) and suddenly, the chump she’s with discovers that she’s beautiful. And then–and this is the truly crazy part–she doesn’t wear or need her glasses for the rest of the movie. Did her eyesight suddenly improve?

Hmm. If that’s all it takes then I have a message for all the women who wear glasses and are reading this. You’re beautiful, gorgeous and a sight to behold. Cured? Great. I’ll send you my bill!

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? To read this comic in German click here.

↓ Transcript
MAN (who has removed a woman's glasses and is staring at her passionately): Without your glasses you’re gorgeous

WOMAN (thinks): if only I could see who he is!