by John | Jul 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Happy Fourth of July–in advance!
Today’s gag is a revamp of a comic that Mike Pascale and I did together years ago. In humor, when it comes to text, shorter is usually better. But I think this longer version does a better job of setting up the joke. I hope you enjoy it.
I’ll be back with a new comic for the actual Fourth of July.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Dick Giordano (with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta) from the story “Letter from Long Ago” in FIRST KISS #6, 1958.
Scene: Uncle Sam and a young woman are almost chin to chin as they smile at each other. In the background, fireworks are going off.
WOMAN: Being with you
is always a big, glorious orgasmic event! What your secret?
UNCLE SAM: Freedom, Baby! It’s sexy! Plus I’ve had 245 years to learn foreplay!
1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Facial Coloring: Allen Freeman
Uncle Sam Transformation: Mike Pascale Gag: Pascale & Lustig
↓ TranscriptScene: Uncle Sam and a young woman are almost chin to chin as they smile at each other. In the background, fireworks are going off.
WOMAN: Being with you
is always a big, glorious orgasmic event! What your secret?
UNCLE SAM: Freedom, Baby! It's sexy! Plus I've had 245 years to learn foreplay!
1958 Pencils: Dick Giordano Facial Coloring: Allen Freeman
Uncle Sam Transformation: Mike Pascale Gag: Pascale & Lustig
by John | Jul 4, 2020 | Uncategorized

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Playing It Cool” in FIRST KISS #12, Jan. 1960.
SCENE: Man and woman in car at night.
MAN: So, I guess the fireworks are over!
WOMAN: Not if we move to the backseat!
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Foreground Color: Allen Freeman
Vintage text:
WOMAN: Oh, Rajah. That was fun! You’re a great driver!
MAN: Yeah, maybe I’ll drive at Indianapolis someday!
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman in car at night.
MAN: So, I guess the fireworks are over!
WOMAN: Not if we move to the backseat!
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Foreground Color: Allen Freeman
Vintage text:
WOMAN: Oh, Rajah. That was fun! You're a great driver!
MAN: Yeah, maybe I'll drive at Indianapolis someday!
by John | Jul 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Happy Fourth of July from me and my frequent co-conspirator in Last Kiss fun Mike Pascale.

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Honeymoon Continued” in First Kiss #24, Jan. 1962.
SCENE: Caucasian woman in a medical mask talking to an African American Uncle Sam who has a black eye and a bandage on his cheek. In the background, fireworks going off.
WOMAN: Still battling to make things better?
SAM: Always!
Vintage 1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Master of Modern Miracles: Mike Pascale
Original Art:
Caption: Most husbands don’t want their wives to bother their pretty little head about money matters!
MAN (to woman): No, honey, you just let little ol’ me take care of you!
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Caucasian woman in a medical mask talking to an African American Uncle Sam who has a black eye and a bandage on his cheek. In the background, fireworks going off.
WOMAN: Still battling to make things better?
SAM: Always!
Vintage 1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Master of Modern Miracles: Mike Pascale
Original Art:
Caption: Most husbands don't want their wives to bother their pretty little head about money matters!
MAN (to woman): No, honey, you just let little ol' me take care of you!
by John | Jul 2, 2020 | Uncategorized

Art by Art Cappello & Dick Giordano from the story “Love’s Crucible” in FIRST KISS #1.
SCENE: Man and woman running towards a big-finned car.
MAN: I love the Fourth! The flashes of brilliance! The bold, loud bangs!
WOMAN: Yes! And between those bangs we can watch the fireworks!
1957 Art: Art Cappello & Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman running towards a big-finned car.
MAN: I love the Fourth! The flashes of brilliance! The bold, loud bangs!
WOMAN: Yes! And between those bangs we can watch the fireworks!
1957 Art: Art Cappello & Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Jul 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Fourth!

Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8, 1943.
SCENE: A young boy is riding on Uncle Sam’s shoulders as Uncle Sam runs across a field with fireworks exploding in the background.
UNCLE SAM & BOY: Happy Independence Day!
1943 Character Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8. Background: Composite from photos by Sam Mathews & Nitish Meena
Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8, 1943.
Art Code: UncleSam8_0
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A young boy is riding on Uncle Sam's shoulders as Uncle Sam runs across a field with fireworks exploding in the background.
UNCLE SAM & BOY: Happy Independence Day!
1943 Character Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8. Background: Composite from photos by Sam Mathews & Nitish Meena
Art by Alex Kotzky from Uncle Sam Quarterly #8, 1943.
Art Code: UncleSam8_0