by John | Jan 26, 2017 | Uncategorized

Art by Bill Ward from the story “I Danced with Heartbreak” in DIARY LOVES #9, 1951. Click image to enlarge.
SCENE: Woman smoking cigarette in front of he Eiffel Tower.
WOMAN: I’m an acquired taste! Like Brussels sprouts! Or cyanide!
1951 Art: Bill Ward Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Background Photo: Sarah Neighbour
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman smoking cigarette in front of he Eiffel Tower.
WOMAN: I’m an acquired taste! Like Brussels sprouts! Or cyanide!
1951 Art: Bill Ward Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Background Photo: Sarah Neighbour
by John | Dec 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
Many thanks to my pal Mike Pascale for today’s “tasteful” gag!

1962 artist unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25.
SCENE: Elf (or man made up as one) talks to woman dressed as Mrs. Claus who is holding her head in her hand in despair.
ELF: You mean I was supposed to feed the reindeer…and cook the turkey?
1962 Artist Unknown Holiday Magic & Elfish Wit: Mike Pascale
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Elf (or man made up as one) talks to woman dressed as Mrs. Claus who is holding her head in her hand in despair.
ELF: You mean I was supposed to feed the reindeer...and cook the turkey?
1962 Artist Unknown Holiday Magic & Elfish Wit: Mike Pascale
by John | Jun 23, 2016 | Uncategorized

Artist unknown. From the story “Infatuation” from FIRST KISS #4, 1958.
CAPTION: It’s the perfect diet! Eat everything you want! Never exercise! And feel great! Is it a scam? Probably. But to find out for sure, mail me a blank check and I’ll send you my new book…I Can’t Count Calories When My Mouth’s Full!
PANEL #1 SCENE: Man and woman sitting in a restaurant eating and drinking.
MAN: You’re ordering another bowl of ice cream? But…you’ve already eaten six!
WOMAN: Seven! But… so what? According to John Lustig’s book, calories don’t matter!
PANEL #2 SCENE: Closeup of the woman talking.
WOMAN: He’s shown me the truth about the inner, thinner me! Fat is a state of mind! And thanks to Lustig, I’ve moved across the border to…a new state of denial and double-fudge sundaes!
CAPTION: Remember: You’re not fat…as long as you can lie to yourself!
↓ TranscriptCAPTION: It’s the perfect diet! Eat everything you want! Never exercise! And feel great! Is it a scam? Probably. But to find out for sure, mail me a blank check and I’ll send you my new book…I Can’t Count Calories When My Mouth’s Full!
PANEL #1 SCENE: Man and woman sitting in a restaurant eating and drinking.
MAN: You’re ordering another bowl of ice cream? But…you’ve already eaten six!
WOMAN: Seven! But... so what? According to John Lustig’s book, calories don’t matter!
PANEL #2 SCENE: Closeup of the woman talking.
WOMAN: He’s shown me the truth about the inner, thinner me! Fat is a state of mind! And thanks to Lustig, I’ve moved across the border to...a new state of denial and double-fudge sundaes!
CAPTION: Remember: You’re not fat…as long as you can lie to yourself!
by John | Jun 2, 2016 | Uncategorized

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Playin’ It Cool” in FIRST KISS #12, 1960.
SCENE: Young man and woman in car outside a hot dog stand.
WOMAN: Another cheap date? Great! the more you save the sooner you can buy me…An engagement ring!
SCENE: Woman holds out here ring finger.
MAN: Babe, right now, I can’t even afford onion rings!
SCENE: Man chomps on a hot dog as the woman looks on.
MAN: But someday I’ll buy ya’ a diamond ring as big as your appetite! And we’ll be eatin’ in joints so fancy that I’ll haveta apologize when I fart!
WOMAN: Hot dog!
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptPANEL #1
SCENE: Young man and woman in car outside a hot dog stand.
WOMAN: Another cheap date? Great! the more you save the sooner you can buy me...An engagement ring!
SCENE: Woman holds out here ring finger.
MAN: Babe, right now, I can’t even afford onion rings!
SCENE: Man chomps on a hot dog as the woman looks on.
MAN: But someday I’ll buy ya’ a diamond ring as big as your appetite! And we’ll be eatin’ in joints so fancy <Burp!> that I’ll haveta apologize when I fart!
WOMAN: Hot dog!
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
by John | May 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’ve done this joke before, but I wasn’t really happy with it. Back then I used a cropped version of the first panel of art below. But I thought the art was too cluttered, not terribly attractive and that it distracted from the joke.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Dream Along with Me” in FIRST KISS #32, 1963.
So, this time, I put together two panels of art—adding in the art below. It is, I think, a great reaction shot and really helps sell the gag!

Art by Dick Giordano and Vince Alascia from FRANK MERRIWELL AT YALE #1, 1955.
SCENE: Two young guys. One is about to eat a hot dog and has it in his mouth. The other guy reacts startled.
GUY WITH HOT DOG: Phallic symbol? What’s that?
Vintage Art: Dick Giordano, Vince Alascia & Vince Colletta Studio
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Two young guys. One is about to eat a hot dog and has it in his mouth. The other guy reacts startled.
GUY WITH HOT DOG: Phallic symbol? What’s that?
Vintage Art: Dick Giordano, Vince Alascia & Vince Colletta Studio