by John | Nov 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
Cultivating a sense of being grateful is something I’ve been working on for awhile now. Besides being the right thing to do, it’s also good for you. Chances are, you’ll feel better—and I don’t mean just emotionally and spiritually—although likely that too—but also physically. (Supposedly, optimists live longer.)
I’m not brushing aside all the negative things. There’s lots of them.
But perhaps because of all those negatives, I’m more grateful than usual this year for so many things. Family, good friends and…heck, just for being alive and reasonably healthy, And, of course, I’m extremely grateful for all you readers. Thank you for appreciating my weird sense of humor and participating for so many years.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art from J.R. Williams vintage, early 20th Century newspaper comic: Out Our Way.
A young girl and boy are sitting at the meal table. Both are in shock as their mother dishes them globs of cooked spinach.
MOTHER: We couldn’t afford a turkey. So just eat your spinach…and be Thankful! That’s what Popeye would do! He’d give thanks for spinach!
GIRL: We’d rather be like Wimpy!
BOY: Yeah! Then we could be thankful for burgers!
Art from J.R. Williams vintage, early 20th Century newspaper comic: Out Our Way
New Dialogue: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptA young girl and boy are sitting at the meal table. Both are in shock as their mother dishes them globs of cooked spinach.
MOTHER: We couldn’t afford a turkey. So just eat your spinach…and be Thankful! That’s what Popeye would do! He’d give thanks for spinach!
GIRL: We’d rather be like Wimpy!
BOY: Yeah! Then we could be thankful for burgers!
Art from J.R. Williams vintage comic: Out Our Way
New Dialogue: John Lustig
by John | Nov 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “Love Will Point the Way” in FIRST KISS #14, 1960. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.
SCENE: A man and woman embracing in a kitchen.
WOMAN: Let’s give thanks now…before your family shows up!
1960 Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Color: Allen Freeman
Dialogue by John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A man and woman embracing in a kitchen.
WOMAN: Let’s give thanks now...before your family shows up!
1960 Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Color: Allen Freeman
Dialogue by John Lustig
by John | Sep 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Ode to Oktoberfest?
In the real world,
Oktoberfest was cancelled because of Covid.
Here on planet Last Kiss, however, I’m carrying on with a mini-Oktoberfest salute so that we can all share a digital drink together.
We conclude Monday with a monstrously funny gag from
Tony Isabella that fits the Oktoberfest theme perfectly and also launches us into the Halloween season. Cheers!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from First Kiss #24, 1962. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.
SCENE: A well-dressed woman is talking to a man (possibly a waiter or bar tender) who is standing next to a cash register.
WOMAN: But I’m adorable! Surely my drinks are free!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A well-dressed woman is talking to a man (possibly a waiter or bar tender) who is standing next to a cash register.
WOMAN: But I’m adorable! Surely my drinks are free!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
by John | Sep 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
Another titanic tale of torrid love & lust from my comic collaborators and pals Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Original art from Bride’s Secrets #9 (1955.) Click link to read entire comic book vis
SCENE: Woman smiles and holds up a cake on a plate.
WOMAN: The way to
a man’s heart is through his stomach. But I’m also setting my sights a little lower.
1955 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman smiles and holds up a cake on a plate.
WOMAN: The way to
a man’s heart is through his stomach. But I’m also setting my sights a little lower.
1955 Artist Unknown Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
by John | May 20, 2021 | Uncategorized

Artist unknown. From the story “Flight to Destiny” in SWEETHEART #104, 1951.
I’m not fat today!
It’s true…
my waistband bulges.
And my skirt strains…
’til buttons fly!
But why?
I blame my clothes! No matter how many martinis I drink, they shrink!
Tomorrow: I will be thin…
Like a movie star! And people will sing,
“See her sexy hips! Watch ‘em swing!”
Next week: Fans praise my beauty!
Next month: I lose another pound!
And billboards show my booty!
Next year: I lose more!
And then—oh no!
I disappear completely!
I’m not fat that day!
Or any day!
So get outta my way!
I’m eating cheesecake–all day!
↓ TranscriptI’m not fat today!
It’s true...
my waistband bulges.
And my skirt strains...
’til buttons fly!
But why?
I blame my clothes! No matter how many martinis I drink, they shrink!
Tomorrow: I will be thin...
Like a movie star! And people will sing,
“See her sexy hips! Watch ‘em swing!”
Next week: Fans praise my beauty!
Next month: I lose another pound!
And billboards show my booty!
Next year: I lose more!
And then—oh no!
I disappear completely!
I’m not fat that day!
Or any day!
So get outta my way!
I’m eating cheesecake--all day!