Tip Waiter…and Wife?

Tip Waiter…and Wife?

↓ Transcript
MAN: I never tip! Why should I?

WOMAN: Maybe so the waiter won’t spit in your food...like I do!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

Three Little Words She’s Dying to Hear

Three Little Words She’s Dying to Hear

“You can never be too rich or too thin.”
–Wallis Simpson (The Duchess of Windsor)

“Wallis Simpson was an idiot. And a Nazi sympathizer. On the plus side, she was really thin.”
–John Lustig (The Duke of Donuts)

↓ Transcript
WOMAN: Oh, Darling! Say it again!

MAN: You’re too skinny!

Pencils by Dick Giordano. Inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta.

Dating Helps Me Forget

Dating Helps Me Forget

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman eating cake.

WOMAN: Eating helps me forget how much I hate cooking!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio

Sushi Attack

Sushi Attack

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man is underwater and holding a knife. Rushing towards him is a shark.

CAPTION: How to prepare a romantic, sushi dinner--the Last Kiss way!

MAN (thinking): “Step One: Make sure your fish is fresh!”

Inks by Sal Trapani

Just Inject the Caffeine Directly into My Veins

Just Inject the Caffeine Directly into My Veins

Living in Seattle, I should be ashamed of this. But here’s the shocking, tabloid-worthy truth: I don’t drink coffee.

Never have. And it’s too bad. ‘Cause I hear wonderful things about the power of Demon Caffeine.

I’m not one of those people who spring out of bed at the break of day–a song on my lips–ready to make the world a better place.

If I drank coffee, though, maybe I’d be…perky. Maybe I’d write faster. Maybe I’d be a better person. Maybe I’d have even have come up with a clever way to end this.

But I don’t drink coffee. So I didn’t.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman with her head down, her eyes closed and her hand to her brow.

WOMAN: Don’t say anything! Just...bring me coffee!