Use Your Bra-a-a-ins!

Use Your Bra-a-a-ins!

Don’t be a brainless zombie. Vote!!!

Courtesy of Mike Pascale and me.

Art by John Tartaglione from the story "To Stella with Love" in FIRST KISS #3, 1958.

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “To Stella with Love” in FIRST KISS #3, 1958.


SCENE: Woman looking back over her shoulder at a moaning zombie guy.


WOMAN: Sorry, I’m using mine to vote!

1958 Art: John Tartaglione Non-Zombie Color: Allen Freeman
Zombification & Dead-On Dialogue: Mike Pascale

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman looking back over her shoulder at a moaning zombie guy.


WOMAN: Sorry, I’m using mine to vote!

1958 Art: John Tartaglione Non-Zombie Color: Allen Freeman
Zombification & Dead-On Dialogue: Mike Pascale

Too Scary?

Too Scary?

More Halloween photo-comic fun with photographer Allen Freeman. Plus model Caitlin Litzinger.

For those of you who want to know more about what Caitlin does, she’s the owner of The Dirty Little Secrets Burlesque.


SCENE: Woman (played by model Caitlin Litzinger) is wearing a gas mask and has a knife with her.

WOMAN: Halloween? No! This is for the election!

Model: Caitlin Litzinger Photo: Allen Freeman


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman (played by model Caitlin Litzinger) is wearing a gas mask and has a knife with her.

WOMAN: Halloween? No! This is for the election!

Model: Caitlin Litzinger Photo: Allen Freeman
