“Turkey Trouble” from Carl Barks

©The Walt Disney Company


This has nothing to do with Last Kiss, but here’s a great scene from a Thanksgiving-themed Donald Duck story written and drawn by the great Carl Barks. Original publication in Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #75, 1946. ©The Walt Disney Company.

Two (Mickey Mouse) Thumbs Up for “A Disney Childhood: Comic Books to Sailing Ships – A Memoir”

[amazon_link id=”1593936826″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]A Disney Childhood: Comic Books to Sailing Ships - A Memoir[/amazon_link]First of all I write comics for Disney. So, of course, I’m going to be interested in Cathy Sherman Freeman’s life—growing up with a father who was in charge of Disney comic books (long before my time.)

Of course, I’d be interested in hearing about her dad (George Sherman), Carl Barks, Del Connell and other legends in my business.

She spent her childhood living just down the street from Disneyland; knew “Uncle Walt”; acted as a child guide for various dignitaries visiting Disneyland; and got to help decide which comic book stories were published? Heck, yes. You bet I’m interested—and jealous!

But I was also predisposed to like this book because I liked Cathy immediately when she wrote to me and asked if I’d be interested in reading the book. Not because she offered me a free copy (although that helped), but because she just seemed so nice, down-to-earth, friendly and chatty.

And that’s exactly the writing voice she has in her book  [amazon_link id=”1593936826″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]”A Disney Childhood: Comic Books to Sailing Ships – A Memoir.”[/amazon_link]You feel like you’re reading a letter from a friend. (Assuming, of course, you have friends who lead exciting lives and do great jobs writing about it.)


A “new” story by Carl Barks & John Lustig!

(Click above to enlarge. Rough, preview lettering. Art by Daan Jippes. ©Walt Disney Company)

In February, Boom! Studios is publishing a totally new version of a Carl Barks’ plotted story. The story has a new title “Somewhere BEYOND Nowhere”; a new script (by me); and art by the great Daan Jippes. It’s 12 pages long.

Why did I want to do a new version–especially since I scripted the original 2000 version? Well, that’s a bit of a story in itself…

Disney Buys Marvel Comics…And I Have Some Fun!


Since Disney bought Marvel Comics today, I thought I’d reprint a comic I did recently for Comics Buyer’s Guide about the deal. Since I’ve worked for both Disney and Marvel, I couldn’t resist having a bit of fun with the merger. In fact, this art came from a DuckTales story I wrote (and William Van Horn drew) years ago. The dialog, of course, is new!