by John | Sep 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
I’m going to skip showing the original art this time. Instead, let’s talk about…
The Contest
When Tony Isabella sent me the gag for today’s comic, I loved it. Until I realized—hey, picking a winner is a lot of work. And I’m super busy. (Or maybe just super lazy.)
But then I thought: Hey, Tony made “win no prize” part of the joke. Wouldn’t it be funny—or at least save me a lot of time—if I didn’t have to pick a winner?
You bet it would!
So take a gander at today’s comic and post your funniest lines in the comments below. The winner—if there is one—will be the person that gets the most friends (or total strangers) to comment and something nice about their submission. Submit as many as you like.
Now, let the quips begin!
by John | Aug 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
Okay, Last Kiss fans, what is The Thinker really thinking? Post your idea in a comment below!
SCENE: We see Auguste Rodin’s statue The Thinker thinking.
THE THINKER: I think I’m ____* Therefore…I am!
CAPTION: Fill in the blank:
*Happy as a clam in chowder! (Is that too
shellfish of me?)
*Always hard as a rock! (Time to call a doctor!)
*Unarmed by my love for the Venus De Milo!
*So freaking constipated!
*(Or…something so weird only a Last Kiss fan would suggest it!)
↓ TranscriptSCENE: We see Auguste Rodin's statue The Thinker thinking.
THE THINKER: I think I'm ____* Therefore...I am!
CAPTION: Fill in the blank:
*Happy as a clam in chowder! (Is that too
shellfish of me?)
*Always hard as a rock! (Time to call a doctor!)
*Unarmed by my love for the Venus De Milo!
*So freaking constipated!
*(Or...something so weird only a Last Kiss fan would suggest it!)
by John | Mar 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
Jim Guida is the winner of last week’s contest to come up with funny dialogue for today’s comic. If you’re familiar with the James Bond series (particularly Goldfinger) you’ll probably see why I liked this joke so much. The thing that gave Jim the winning edge was that he even managed to incorporate Oddjob’s flying hat into the gag. Well done, Jimbo!
I’m also announcing a tie for runner up. Amazingly, both gags were almost identical and were submitted only minutes apart. Yes, sometimes great minds (or at least great jokesters) do think alike:
“Daddy! You’re HOME!” — submitted by cozy romance author Gayle Trent
“HONEY…I’M HOME.” —submitted by “Butch”
For everyone who submitted dialogue, thank you. I loved a lot of your gags and you’ll have more opportunities to win. I’ll definitely be having more contests! —John Lustig

Art by Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia from the story “The Big Meet” in FRANK MERRIWELL AT YALE #2, 1955.
SCENE: Man #1 tackling Man #2. There’s a hat flying above them.
MAN #1: Get down, Mr. Bond! Oddjob is back!
1955 Art: Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Contest Winning Dialogue: Jim Guida
Art by Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia from the story “The Big Meet” in FRANK MERRIWELL AT YALE #2, 1955.
DJP.lk401 FM2.1.2.3
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man #1 tackling Man #2. There's a hat flying above them.
MAN #1: Get down, Mr. Bond! Oddjob is back!
1955 Art: Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Contest Winning Dialogue: Jim Guida
Art by Dick Giordano & Vince Alascia from the story "The Big Meet" in FRANK MERRIWELL AT YALE #2, 1955.
DJP.lk401 FM2.1.2.3
by John | Nov 9, 2014 | Blog

Here’s the fridge on 2 Broke Girls before the Last Kiss magnets were added. Click photo to enlarge.
Sometime this season, one or more Last Kiss fridge magnets will appear on the CBS show 2 BROKE GIRLS. Be the first person to spot them and you’ll win a bunch of prizes. (See below.) The show airs Monday nights at 8 p.m. on the West Coast.
To help you spot the magnets, I’ve posted a screen shot of the show’s refrigerator BEFORE the Last Kiss magnets were added.
To win, be the first person to e-mail me that you’ve seen the Last Kiss magnets on the show. If you’re right, you win.* If you’re wrong, I’ll write back and let you know. (You must have a U.S. or Canadian mailing address to receive the prizes.)
The winner will receive:

—copies of the Last Kiss fridge magnets that are on the show.
—a Last Kiss sticky notebook.
—20 Last Kiss note cards.
—a Last Kiss tote bag.
—eternal fame and glory.
The contest will keep going until there’s a winner.
*The contest winner must not be an employee or associated with 2 BROKE GIRLS.)
By the way, this Last Kiss product placement is happening through the efforts of the amazing John Fluke of Placed4Success. Thanks to John, Last Kiss products will also be featured (more prominently) on new episodes of the CBS show MIKE & MOLLY. (I’ll announce a separate contest for MIKE & MOLLY shortly before the first new episode.)
by John | Nov 2, 2014 | Blog

So far, there’s still no winner in the contest to spot Last Kiss products on the CBS show 2 BROKE GIRLS.
But I’ve now got more detailed info and hints that may help you win.
—To the best of my knowledge, one or more Last Kiss magnets will be visible on a refrigerator.
—Although they may show up on any episode, it looks like the first episode with the magnets probably won’t air until mid-to-late November.
—There are other—non-Last Kiss—magnets already on the fridge. So, spotting any old fridge magnet doesn’t count. It has to be a Last Kiss magnet.
—To win, be the first person to e-mail me with a brief description of what you think the magnet looks like. If you’re right, you win.* If you’re wrong, I’ll write back and let you know.
The winner will receive:

—copies of the Last Kiss products that are on the show.
—a Last Kiss sticky notebook.
—20 Last Kiss note cards.
—a Last Kiss tote bag.
—eternal fame and glory.
The contest will keep going until there’s a winner.
*The contest winner must not be an employee or associated with 2 BROKE GIRLS.)
By the way, this Last Kiss product placement is happening through the efforts of the amazing John Fluke of Placed4Success. Thanks to John, Last Kiss products will also be featured (more prominently) on new episodes of the CBS show MIKE & MOLLY. (I’ll announce a separate contest for MIKE & MOLLY shortly before the first new episode.)