A Nurse a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

A Nurse a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

More fun from my IT’S ALWAYS BUCKY animation project with writer Jack Enyart!

Art by Lou Fine from Smash #30, 1942.

Art by Lou Fine from Smash #30, 1942.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Bucky is in bed smiling as his dad and a nurse look on.

BUCKY: Gee, Dad, if I’m sick…why’s the nurse sleeping in your room?

Art: Lou Fine Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc


Nuts to You

Nuts to You

Yes, I could’ve done a much, much dirtier version of this gag. Forgive me. For once, good taste triumphed. I’ll try not to let it happen again.

(Today’s comic is from a Last Kiss-inspired animation project—IT’S ALWAYS BUCKY—that I’m developing with my pal Jack Enyart.)

Art by Myron Fass from Great Lover Romances #16.

Art by Myron Fass from Great Lover Romances #16. Click on image to enlarge.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A pipe-smoking man looks on as a squirrel in the foreground holds a nut.

MAN: Today, it’s just a squirrel! But someday the whole world will want my nuts!

Art: Myron Fass Color: Restoration & Color: Diego Pereira


Welcome to Scotch Land

Welcome to Scotch Land

Scotch Land, of course, is right across the border from Drunk-On-Your-Asskestan and Inebria Nation.

A magical country where spirits are always strong, Scotch Land is the second happiest place on Earth…until it gets angry and picks a fight.

(Today’s comic is from a Last Kiss-inspired animation project—IT’S ALWAYS BUCKY—that I’m developing with my pal Jack Enyart.)

Art by Lou Fine from Smash #30, 1942.

Art by Lou Fine from Smash #30, 1942.

↓ Transcript
BUCKY: Wow, Mom! So those vitamins you drink come all the way from Scotch Land?

Art: Lou Fine Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
©2013 Last Kiss Inc
Smash #30

The Curious Case of the Missing Underwear

The Curious Case of the Missing Underwear

Today’s comic is the first appearance of “Bucky” — the title character in a new Last Kiss-inspired animation project: IT’S ALWAYS BUCKY.

I’m developing the series with my pal, animation veteran Jack Enyart.

Jack and I have been wanting to work together for years. So, collaborating on BUCKY is sort of a dream-come-true for us!

Art by Reed Crandall from Smash #24, 1941.

Art by Reed Crandall from Smash #24, 1941.

↓ Transcript
A young boy (Bucky) is standing in front of a brick wall.
BUCKY: Gosh, Dad! If the secretaries all keep their underwear in your office...where do you keep yours?

Art: Reed Crandall Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc