by John | Dec 22, 2022 | Uncategorized
Model Felina Vie appears in today’s comic courtesy of photographer David Moore. See other Last Kiss photo-comics featuring Felina here.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Model Felina Vie is standing in front of a Christmas tree wearing a blanket. Her left shoulder is bared and shows a large tattoo of a woman.
FELINA: Lucky you! I'm a twosome!
Text @2022 Last Kiss Inc Photo: ©David Moore
Modest Model: Felina Vie Inky Ideas: John Lustig
Wishing you a double dose
of happiness for the holidays...
and beyond!
2019-12-17 Felina Xmas-204
by John | Oct 18, 2022 | Uncategorized
My thanks to Allen Freeman and model Felina Vie for the photo. (Yes, it’s a re-run, but seeing Felina again is always a good thing!) Lots of new Halloween gags on the way!
Woman (Felina Vie) holding a Jack-o-lantern and knife: I’m done practicing! Ready for your plastic surgery?
Text ©2016 Last Kiss Inc Photo ©2016 Allen Freeman
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman
↓ TranscriptWoman (Felina Vie) holding a Jack-o-lantern and knife: I’m done practicing! Ready for your plastic surgery?
Text ©2016 Last Kiss Inc Photo ©2016 Allen Freeman
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman
by John | Oct 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
I’m always glad when I can come up with a gag featuring the fabulous Felina Vie. Photo by the allusive Allen Freeman!
SCENE: Felina Vie is on her stomach on a bed. She has antlers on her head. She also has very frizzy red hair that has been teased up high into her antlers.
FELINA: Come on, Lustig! This Halloween let’s be classy! No jokes about me being “horny.” No lame puns. I refuse to fawn over you. Doe us proud and…and..Oh, deer! You’re turning this into a stupid stag party joke, aren’t you?
Text ©2021 Last Kiss Inc. Photo: ©2021 Allen Freeman
Model: Felina Vie
Photo: Allen Freeman
Writer: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Felina Vie is on her stomach on a bed. She has antlers on her head. She also has very frizzy red hair that has been teased up high into her antlers.
FELINA: Come on, Lustig! This Halloween let’s be classy! No jokes about me being “horny.” No lame puns. I refuse to fawn over you. Doe us proud and…and..Oh, deer! You’re turning this into a stupid stag party joke, aren’t you?
Text ©2021 Last Kiss Inc. Photo: ©2021 Allen Freeman
Model: Felina Vie
Photo: Allen Freeman
Writer: John Lustig
by John | Feb 7, 2021 | Uncategorized

Just a quick reminder that you can still vote for Last Kiss model Felina Vie in Inked Magazine’s cover girl contest. (You’ll need a Facebook account to sign in to vote.) You can vote for free once every 24 hours. Thanks!
SCENE: Woman with horns barring a window.
WOMAN: So, horny women scare you? Too bad…
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman Text: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman with horns barring a window.
WOMAN: So, horny women scare you? Too bad…
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman Text: John Lustig
by John | Feb 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
Vote for Felina!
Today’s model Felina Vie has appeared in numerous Last Kiss photocomics. If you’ve enjoyed ’em—and many of you have—then here’s your chance to share your appreciation and do some good:
Felina is currently competing in Inked Magazine’s cover model contest. I’m hoping Last Kiss readers can help her win. You can vote for her for free once every 24 hours.
SCENE: Woman is talking on the phone at a beauty salon.
WOMAN (Felina Vie): Hon, I’m doing this for you! I don’t care how much it costs you! You’re worth it!
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman Text: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman is talking on the phone at a beauty salon.
WOMAN (Felina Vie): Hon, I’m doing this for you! I don’t care how much it costs you! You’re worth it!
Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman Text: John Lustig