The Gay Deception

Double click the page to enlarge it.

Earlier this week I posted a Last Kiss comic that used art from the opening panel of “The Gay Deception.” Although I’ve posted individual panels from this story several times, I got an interesting response this time. I started getting requests from fans who wanted to read the whole story.

And so…

Originally drawn by the Vince Colletta Studio for FIRST KISS #8 (1959), this tale was almost certainly written by Joe Gill and it has a plot that has repeatedly shown up in romance comics and rom-com movies through the ages: The fake date! Or is it really a fake?

So here it is. I hope you enjoy it. Please double click the images to enlarge them.



Was It Worth It? Nobody Nose!


On Nov. 7 I had my brain reamed out. Or, at least, that’s what it felt like.

I had septoplasty—a surgery to fix my deviated septum and enlarge my nasal passages. Now that sounds complicated. But really it’s a simple procedure requiring a sledgehammer and a drill bit big enough to unclog a storm sewer.

After my nasty nasals were straightened and cleared, two plastic stints (three to four inches long—no exaggeration) were inserted into my nose and the airway beyond to keep things in place.

A week later, the stints were removed. But by then I’d developed an allergic reaction to the post-op antibiotic I was on . The result—a massive rash over most of my body.

The rash is now gone. And the stints are out. But, until the swelling goes down, I won’t really know if I’m breathing better and if it was all worth it.

On the plus side, though, my pal Mark Monlux did the above comic for me.

What makes it so perfect is that—like Kathy Bates (in the movie MISERY)—my wife Shelagh is a nurse. Fortunately, I received much better care from my live-in nurse than James Caan did in that movie.

Get Some of Charlton’s Best Art in this Kickstarter

7f9b40b19fa2785adb4f3c0d041c5b3c_originalI can’t recommend this highly enough!

Help fund this Kickstarter and get copies of some of the finest cover art ever produced by Charlton Comics. You can even get—at certain pledge levels—rare stats, silver prints or proofs from the Charlton vaults.

Charlton, of course, was—among other things—the publisher of FIRST KISS…the original source and inspiration for my Last Kiss series.

The cover art features work by Dick Giordano, Vince Colletta, Steve Ditko, Matt Baker, Jack Keller, Charles Nicholas, Vince Alascia, Luis Dominguez, Frank McLaughlin, Jack Abel, Sam Glanzman, Joe Sinnott and more!

Genres for the cover art span romance, war, western, sci-fi, monsters, nurses-doctors, and hot rod stories!

Choose your favorite genre. Or pledge at a higher level and get them all!

Dottie Wins Ribbon of “Honor” at Quilt Extravaganza

"Dottie's Lament" by Sue Bower won an honorable mention at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza.

“Dottie’s Lament” by Sue Bower won an honorable mention at the 2016 Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza.

A few months back I announced that Sue Bower took a panel of art from the First Kiss comic book series (with my permission) and turned it into a quilt. A professional quilter, Sue used the art, but came up with new dialogue—very much in the spirit of Last Kiss.

I just learned that Sue’s “Dottie’s Lament” received an honorable mention ribbon at the 2016 Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza. Congrats, Sue.


A New Carl Barks Story—by Me & Daan Jippes


Since the legendary Carl Barks died in 2000, you might wonder…

How did Daan Jippes and I collaborate with Barks on a new story, “Gyro’s Manager” that was published by IDW just a few weeks ago in Uncle Scrooge #17?

Well, it turns out that Carl left behind a few partially completed stories. And, I’m happy to say, I’ve gotten to complete several of them for my publisher Egmont. “Gyro’s Manager” is the latest to finally see print here in the U.S.

(By the way, many thanks to fan Paul Green for letting me know that the story was in US #17. If not for Paul, I would’ve missed it entirely!

Last Kiss T-Shirts Sale Ends Sept. 12

Available in Black or Pink.

Available in Black or Pink.

All of my Last Kiss women’s V-neck shirts are on sale. (Several designs.) Most are only $10.99. Very limited quantities. Sale goes off-line Sept. 12. Order now!

Available in Black or Pink. Photo: Allen Freeman. Model: Felina Vie.

Available in Black or Pink. Photo: Allen Freeman. Model: Felina Vie.


Available in Black and Dark Pink. Photo: Allen Freeman. Model: Mimi Cortes.

Available in Black and Dark Pink. Photo: Allen Freeman. Model: Mimi Cortes.


San Diego Comic-Con 2016

I really enjoy meeting fans at shows. Here I am at the Prism Comics booth with Jennifer Burke Haines—who loves Last Kiss zombies gags with a shambling, walking dead passion!

This is the second year in a row that I’ve gone to Comic-Con International without a booth of my own. But 2016 was the year that I really found a home at Prism Comics. (Last year, I was just at Prism briefly each day to do signings.)

Overall, I think it worked out great.

Hoards of fans came to the giant Prism booth. More than I might’ve seen if I’d had a Last Kiss booth on my own. And, I have to say, it was a lot easier (and cheaper!) to display there as just one of many creators at the booth.

Plus, the Prism folks were incredibly nice and fun to hang with!

Last Kiss SignUp—Long Form