Original, Vintage Art:
Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Make Believe” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.
SCENE: Woman looking apprehensive.
WOMAN: Oh, no!
I’ve got a headache! You must be horny!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman looking apprehensive.
WOMAN: Oh, no!
I’ve got a headache! You must be horny!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman
WOMAN: Oh, no!
I’ve got a headache! You must be horny!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman
Whether Clyde comes here or the dance, she’s going to need a good mop. He’s kind of an overachiever in that regard.
“Then I had a horrible shock! I read in my hometown paper that Clyde was coming to the dance…
…and not going to the dance was unimaginable! I mean, this town is so damn dull, it prints stories in the newspaper about who’s planning to attend a dance. My only other option for Saturday night is counting the number of times the cat yawns while it naps.”
…which means they’d play ‘Hey Macarena’. And I f(#*%&@ hate the Macarena.”
…He always wants to tip coins. I keep telling him putting quarters in my g-string makes me chafe, but nooooo…”
“He’ll be coming here! Now I’ll be in for it…
…which would be fine if he was any good at it. But sadly…”
…My only hope is to put up one of those you-must-be-this-high-to-ride-the-ride signs. Thank goodness he’s short.”
…which is ironic, considering I usually put out for it.”
Headache, M’dear? Haven’t you read the latest studies. Sex is an excellent remedy for headaches. Trust the science.
This marriage needs a healer witch to cure those headaches:
Clyde must be “small town famous”.
clyde kadiddlehopper (Red Skelton character), and Clyde Drexler are the only Clydes I’ve ever heard of. Never met any.
It was Clem Kadiddlehopper, so you’re back to one “Clyde”.
Oh I am so embarrassingly wrong about Mr. Kadiddlehopper. There’s gotta be more famous Clydes out there.
A google search shows no more widelu famous Clydes. No widely famous Clems either.
Reading the newspaper, “Hey, the fleets in!!”