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“Ask anyone who the two nicest people in comics are…and they’ll say Archie Goodwin and Dick Giordano…
“You’ll hear a lot about Dick’s niceness in the following pages, so I’ll lighten up here about all that and give you the dark side of Dick Giordano.
“Hmmm. Well, so much for that!”
–Neal Adams, March 2003
from the Foreword to Michael Eury’s Dick Giordano: Changing Comics, One Day at a Time

Of all their many collaborations, this 1978 oversized comic may be the oddest and most insanely fun from the team of Neal Adams (penciller) and Dick Giordano (inker.) Image and characters ©2010 respective copyright holders.
More about Superman vs. Muhammad Ali
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CAPTION: "I knew that my perfect man was out there...looking for me! The decrepit, old dear just needed a little help! So I placed an ad in the personals!"
AD: "Looking for sugar, daddy? Gorgeous SWF, 19, ISO older SM who has more $$ than I can spend!"
(*In search of.)
AD: Why waste time looking for true love when you can buy it now? Not healthy? Not a problem!!
MISS MUFFET: Gee! I hope I’m not being too subtle! I'd better ask for a notarized bank statement!
MISS MUFFET: There! Now all I’ve got do is find a wedding dress I can wear to the funeral!