For some reason, I’ve been writing a bunch of “jungle girl” gags. Here’s the first of many!
(Unless you all hate it. But maybe even if you do…’cause I had a lot of fun doing this.)
SCENE: Vine Vixen swings into a gorilla—landing a kick to his chest.
GORILLA: Back off, Vine Vixen! Compared to me, you’re just a silly, second-rate jungle swinger!
VINE VIXEN: Second rate?!! But I swing both ways!
1949 Art: Jack Kamen Silly New Dialogue: John Lustig
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig
01-rulah 24_Clean
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Vine Vixen swings into a gorilla---landing a kick to his chest.
GORILLA: Back off, Vine Vixen! Compared to me, you’re just a silly, second-rate jungle swinger!
VINE VIXEN: Second rate?!! But I swing both ways!
1949 Art: Jack Kamen Silly New Dialogue: John Lustig
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig
01-rulah 24_Clean
GORILLA: Back off, Vine Vixen! Compared to me, you’re just a silly, second-rate jungle swinger!
VINE VIXEN: Second rate?!! But I swing both ways!
1949 Art: Jack Kamen Silly New Dialogue: John Lustig
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig
01-rulah 24_Clean
First of all, what dollar store did Rilah, Jungle Goddess, pick up the giraffe print sun suit? And weren’t they selling some shoes that would actually to with it?
And why does the gorilla she’s kicking look like he’s a 1950s comic going ‘Oi! Look out girly! You’ve got your instep on my sternum!”
Also, what exactly is that gorilla in the background doing with his hand to make yellow shirt guy gyrate like that? Maybe Rilah should just take the hint and find a vine that swings her way.
At least she’s not wearing heels.
Yeah it does seem more of a ‘house shoes’ kind of occasion.
As the admiral said about those pants in Hot Shots: “They ran out of material halfway down, so don’t give me any sh*t.”
Apparently that vine doesn’t swing the apely way. Or else she likes her simian sex rough.
I highly recommend David Brin’s “Uplift War”. If James Bond were a genetically modified chimpanzee action hero. As part of the books plot line chimpanzees were working on a project to genetically enhance gorillas.
Also his book “Startide Rising” was excellent. If the Starship Enterprise was Captained and mostly crewed by modified dolphins. Read this one first. Or read “Sundiver” first, then read this, then Uplift.
Even as a young lad looking at lurid “For Men Only” magazine covers and comic book covers I knew that what were called gorillas were actually scaled up chimpanzees. Later I realized it was the Edgar Rice Burroughs effect. Here’s a real Gorilla gorilla (Western gorilla) working out: