Art by Charles Sultan & Dick Beck from the story “The Man I Want to Marry” in “BRIDES ROMANCES #22, 1956. Click image to enlarge.
SCENE: Groom and red-headed bride.
BRIDE (thinking): The big lug! He thinks he’s marrying my twin sister! Wait’ll he finds out I don’t have one!
1956 Art: Charles Sultan & Dick Beck Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Groom and red-headed bride.
BRIDE (thinking): The big lug! He thinks he’s marrying my twin sister! Wait’ll he finds out I don’t have one!
1956 Art: Charles Sultan & Dick Beck Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
BRIDE (thinking): The big lug! He thinks he’s marrying my twin sister! Wait’ll he finds out I don’t have one!
1956 Art: Charles Sultan & Dick Beck Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Looks like Dave and Paul are the twins here. No one looks happy but the parents.
What Dave’s Thinking: “Ugh! Shouldn’t have had that burrito this morning! Whooo doggie. Hope nobody smelled that.”
What the Minister in the Back is thinking: “Ugh! Someone had a burrito for breakfast! May that sinner be struck down and may one of these stained glass windows be opened!”
What the Woman Next to Dave is Thinking: “Hmmm. I really want a burrito all of a sudden”
What Paul’s Thinking: “Am I making a mistake? Can I forget Dave by marrying Amanda?”
fine jams and jellies since 1981…your comments always make me laugh!!!