Vintage Art & Text:

Art by Jack Sparling from the story “Kisses $1” in Great Lover Romances #15, Feb. 1954.
Scene: Image of many $100-bills in the background. Woman in foreground looks out at the reader.
WOMAN: I know
you love the trickle down theory,
Dear! So I’m
spending all your money to stimulate the economy! See? Everyone wins!
1954 Art: Jack Sparling Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Background Photo: Giorgio Trovato Everything Else: John Lustig
↓ Transcript
Scene: Image of many $100-bills in the background. Woman in foreground looks out at the reader.
WOMAN: I know
you love the trickle down theory,
Dear! So I’m
spending all your money to stimulate the economy! See? Everyone wins!
1954 Art: Jack Sparling Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Background Photo: Giorgio Trovato Everything Else: John Lustig
WOMAN: I know
you love the trickle down theory,
Dear! So I’m
spending all your money to stimulate the economy! See? Everyone wins!
1954 Art: Jack Sparling Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Background Photo: Giorgio Trovato Everything Else: John Lustig
Without getting too political:
Is she speaking to someone who’s actually there, or just to a figment of her imagination?
Which is just what trickle-down economics is!!!
Sorry, couldn’t help it.
Ok, yeah, I could. But I didn’t.
Yet, JFK said a “rising tide raises all boats” and is still quoted, in the positive by Democrats.
Trickle down theory – is that another prostate joke?
> Trickle down theory – is that another prostate joke?
Yes, it’s a joke on the asses who believe that it works.