Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Love Glows Forever” in First Kiss #24, Nov. 1961. Published by Charlton Comics. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: Man in background is watching as a man and a woman kiss in the foreground.
CAPTION: Thanks to The Last Kiss School of Charmless Charm & Clueless Confidence, Myron Mishmuff finally has the guts to ask for a date…no matter what!
MAN IN BACKGROUND: So, you’re busy tonight? How about tomorrow?
1961 Art: Charles Nicholas & Dick Giordano Character Color: Allen Freeman
Tomorrow Man: John Lustig
Love Glows Forever…It’s been Irradiated!
Neither of us saw Tom until…
…Larry’s tongue struck oil off my gallbladder.
…Tom began massaging our nipples and asking us if he could play through.
…Tom loudly asked the janitor to just do the best job he could mopping up the puddle under our feet.
…Our eyes had adjusted from the intense glare Forever Glowing Love was throwing off the mirror on the wall.
So she says goodbye to a guy who offered her a job with a kiss so deep and hard her lips literally merge into his jowls? How does she break up with an actual boyfriend? With a thigh squeeze that results in multiple visits to a chiropractor?
And why would she give up Larry…a guy she’s so into the artist didn’t even bother drawing a line so you could tell where her nose ended and his cheek bone began…to date Tom, who looks like his Grandmother still dresses him?
Sometimes it seems like these stories just leave more questions than answers.
I know what you mean. The last time I kissed a woman like that it ended in marriage. 38 years now…
It does bring to mind an old joke about the meaning of savoir-faire.
Tom says ‘excuse me’ when he sees Larry and Gloria coupled so deeply they might merge. Is that savoir-faire? Or… If Tom were to say, “Excuse me, please continue”, would Tom have savoir-faire?
I think that if Tom says to please continue and if Larry continues then Larry has savoir-faire.
Tom: Busy tonight Gloria?
Gloria: I have to wash my hair tonight.
Tom: How about tomorrow night?
Gloria: It has to dry.
If you don’t want to do something any excuse is good enough.
Old Tom looks like he’s two dimensional. He was cut out and put into the scene. The others are 3D.