SCENE: Wonder Woman/Diana Prince with American Flag in the background.
WONDER WOMAN: I love tying men up ‘til they tell me the truth!
CAPTION: The Joy of Being Wonder Woman
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Wonder Woman/Diana Prince with American Flag in the background.
WONDER WOMAN: I love tying men up ‘til they tell me the truth!
CAPTION: The Joy of Being Wonder Woman
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
WONDER WOMAN: I love tying men up ‘til they tell me the truth!
CAPTION: The Joy of Being Wonder Woman
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira