Woman smiling and looking upwards, lost in thought. Her hands are clasped.
WOMAN: It’s the thought that counts! So I thought about having wild sex with you! You’re welcome.
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ Transcript
Woman smiling and looking upwards, lost in thought. Her hands are clasped.
WOMAN: It's the thought that counts! So I thought about having wild sex with you! You're welcome.
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
WOMAN: It's the thought that counts! So I thought about having wild sex with you! You're welcome.
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Oh wow…. SO many jokes!! But they’re all so crude and juvenile.
I’ll let Jams go first.
You’re right, Rex. Everything that comes to mind is pretty crude. I don’t want to cross a line… oh maybe just this once (ha, ha). That woman thinking about having sex with “you” reminds me of an old pick-up line that I actually saw one of my friends use, one time. If I remember right, it went something like this…
“I’m going to be having sex with you tonight, so you might as well be there!”
(Yeah, that worked about as well as the whole archaeologist/bush line).
If you can find it, comedian Greg Hahn has a great bit about how women should approach the men, in part because of our horrible pick-up lines. And he gives some hilarious examples.
(I heard it first on the radio, so it was family friendly. Not sure what the original is like. But he does corporate shows, so I’m sure he’s pretty “clean”.)
Thanks Rex, I’ll try to check it out.
I’ll check it out too. Horrible pickup lines sound like they’re very much in the Last Kiss mode! Thanks, Rex!
Some examples:
Are your feet tired? ‘Cuz mine are stinky!
Wow, did someone take the stars from the sky and JAM ‘EM INTO YOUR FACE?!
Those are mostly Greg’s words, but I’m not sure I got them exactly right. Hence, no quotation marks.
Also, the way he delivers them doesn’t come across well in print.
Somehow, it just isn’t the same.